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Want to learn more about REDD?

August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here......


Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?

All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►

If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...

More Information

Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?

Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms

Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?

UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010


All global forest info at your mousecklick...

14 years 9 months ago

WALLULA, Wash., Oct. 13 /CNW/ -- Battelle and Boise Inc. (NYSE: BZ) will conduct the first-ever feasibility study of new carbon capture and storage technology in the $140 billion pulp, paper and paperboard industry, under a $500,000 project announced by the Department of Energy (DOE).

14 years 9 months ago

One model for calculations in climate change negotiations would cause one thousand million euros’ loss for Finnish forestry sector - over half of annual logging revenues. (LULUCF)

14 years 9 months ago

Trees will return to a vast eroded grassland in Uganda as Africa's first Clean Development Mechanism forestry project evolves.

14 years 9 months ago

After nearly two years of developed countries discussing different options for rule changes for this sector, and not getting much farther than more clearly articulating the options that suit each country best, G77 and China said enough is enough and drew a line in the sand:

14 years 9 months ago

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and 10 other governors from the United States, Brazil and Indonesia are sending a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang...

14 years 10 months ago

As part of the programme for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD, see Update 57), Guyana, Panama and Indonesia submitted readiness preparation proposals (R-PPs), necessary for funding through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. The Bank's technical advisory panel...

14 years 10 months ago

Understanding the web of social groups involved in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is key to containing forest loss, argues a leading Amazon researcher writing in the journal Ecology and Society.

Mongabay | 14 years 10 months ago

Germany has apparently agreed to fund a significant portion of Ecuador's scheme to leave Amazon rainforest oil reserves in the ground, according to Business Green.

14 years 10 months ago

The dispute between the US and Europe is over the way national carbon reduction targets would be counted. Europe has been pushing to retain structures and systems set up under the Kyoto protocol, the existing global treaty on climate change. US negotiators have told European counterparts that...

14 years 10 months ago

Mark Tercek left Goldman Sachs after a long and successful career midway through 2008, just before the global financial meltdown. Good timing, except that Tercek moved on to become the president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, the world’s biggest environmental organization, as  the global...

14 years 10 months ago

The legitimacy of the $100 billion (£60 billion) carbon-trading market has been called into question after the world’s largest auditor of clean-energy projects was suspended by United Nations inspectors.

14 years 10 months ago

Economic incentives for countries such as Brazil and Guyana could provide the answer to a complex environmental problem

14 years 10 months ago

Nature knows how to capture and store carbon and has been doing so effectively for mellenia. We need this capacity in order to help us resolve the climate crisis we have created.

14 years 10 months ago

Die Kommission schlägt vor, den Entwicklungsländern ab 2013 jährlich steigende Beträge zu zahlen, um mit dem Klimawandel zurechtzukommen.

Seed Magazine | 14 years 10 months ago

Mornings here at La Selva Biological Station, Terry McGlynn counts bugs. He heads into the forest, maps out two one-square-meter grids and sticks a wire into the damp coating of dead leaves that line the ground of this jungle at the northern end of a volcanic national park in Costa Rica. He...

14 years 10 months ago

September 10, 2009: Greenpeace and Oxfam International criticize the EU Commission for not being ready to pay Europe’s share of the climate bill.

14 years 10 months ago

2009-08-31: As an agreement that will keep global warming below two degrees C can probably not be found in Copenhagen, instead the EU should see December’s UN conference as a starting point, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt says.

14 years 10 months ago

This fall, professionals in PES and REDD are headed south. From across the globe practitioners and policymakers in environmental markets are booking flights to Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Bolivia, and Mexico to discuss the future of our world's ecosystems. In several cases, this is the...


Illegal logging...

September 2012 - a note by the Editor of ForestIndustries.EU: We wrote this article more than three years ago. Many significant events happened since then and a huge amount of new knowledge has been collected by the global community.

by Dr. Radut