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Daily News Tanzania | 12 years 1 week ago

APPROPRIATION of massive land from villagers for tree planting in the Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Forest (REDD) programme is feared to threaten food security, unless the exercise was carefully undertaken. While presenting a paper in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, on the Tanzania Forest...

WoodWorking Network | 12 years 1 week ago

When it comes to sustainable forestry, the country of Peru is at a critical crossroads. On a trip to that country this spring, I met with government, industry and conservation officials regarding a proposed Spanish-language training center for their region.

PHYS.ORG | 12 years 1 week ago

The Winrock team, which included scientists from Applied GeoSolutions, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Maryland, combined the best available spatially consistent datasets on gross forest loss and forest carbon stocks to track emissions from deforestation in millions of individual...

Irin News | 12 years 1 week ago

At least 2,500 farmers in the western districts of Uganda are earning extra cash to boost their livelihoods by planting trees alongside their crops in a scheme that is helping to sequester carbon dioxide.   Trees process huge amounts of carbon dioxide because of their size and extensive root...

CIFOR | 12 years 1 week ago

If a scheme to pay developing countries to reduce carbon emissions by slowing deforestation is to have legitimacy, land tenure needs not just to be clarified – but to be clarified in a way that respects the rights of local communities, according to experts from the Centre for International Forestry...

Mail&Guardian | 12 years 1 week ago

Multinational companies are queuing up to do business in Gabon, despite questions being raised about the validity of President Ali Bongo Ondimba’s rule. Among these are South African companies, including Sustainable Forestry Management, run by conservationist Alan Bernstein. It  entered Gabon in...

EBRD | 12 years 1 week ago

Our forests are a vital source of life to plants, animals and humans alike. Their trees do not merely provide a habitat for many species, but they also make the air clean and mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Ensuring that the forests stay alive is therefore vital...

CDG DEV | 12 years 1 week ago

Reducing carbon emissions from forest clearing and degradation has become an important part of the international climate agenda.

CDG DEV | 12 years 1 week ago

This note introduces and illustrates fCPR (Forest Conservation Performance Rating), a system of color-coded ratings for tropical forest conservation performance that can be implemented for local areas, countries, regions, and the entire pan-tropics.

TV NZ | 12 years 1 week ago

Changes to the emissions trading scheme will stop investment in one of New Zealand's most important sources of future carbon emissions reduction - forestry "carbon farming", says Carbon Farm chief executive Murray McClintock. As a provider of forest management services to the fledgling industry,...

CIFOR | 12 years 1 week ago

Summary Early adoption of national- and project-level social and environmental standards suggests that REDD+ policy makers, project personnel and investors value REDD+ safeguards. To gain national-level buy-in for REDD+ safeguards, national sovereignty must be recognised and competing safeguard...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 1 week ago

Summary International climate change negotiations at COP17 in Durban, December 2011 saw further developments on the proposed REDD+ mechanism to reduce forest-based emissions and enhance forest carbon sinks. A binding international REDD+ agreement and a larger climate change agreement will likely be...

FMO | 12 years 1 week ago

FMO (the Netherlands Development Finance Company) has executed a subscription agreement to invest in the New Forests Tropical Asia Forest Fund (TAFF), a private equity fund managed by Australian-based fund manager New Forests. With FMO’s USD 15 million investment, financed out of the government...

CIFRO | 12 years 1 week ago

Summary Analysing REDD+ with 4Is – institutions and their path-dependencies and ‘stickiness’, actors and their interests, ideas and information – can be useful to understand what hinders or enables change.

SNV | 12 years 1 week ago

Bangkok - July 3-5, 2012 - The USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) Programme, with support from the US Forest Service (USFS), brought together stakeholders in and outside of Asia for a workshop in Bangkok: “Low Emission Land Use and Forest Planning in Southeast Asia.” 

Forest Talk | 12 years 1 week ago

The province of Nova Scotia is making $1 million available so private woodlot owners, including those in Queens County and the South Shore, can access more of their forest land. The provincial fund is helping woodlot owners build and maintain woodlot roads.

Environmental Finance | 12 years 1 week ago

The first project which sequesters carbon through agroforestry has been registered under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). Paris-based project developer Eco-Carbone’s agroforestry project was registered for the voluntary offset programme last week. The project aims to assist rural communities in...


by Dr. Radut