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Timber processing in Brazil commands new technology

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Greenwood Management
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An international technology company has received an order to supply another timber product processing system to the MDF plant of Arauco do Brasil SA.

The technology group, Andritz, has been contracted by the company to provide a third pressurised refining system at the plant in Jaguariaíva. It is the 11th such system that the company has provided to MDF manufacturers in the company, indicating the robust health of the timber product market.

The order will include a chip washing system as well an S2064M pressurised refining system. It is anticipated that work will begin on the installation of the system within the next few months, with a start-up date anticipated during the second quarter of 2012.

The company was selected once again to provide the equipment due to its reputation for advanced technical solutions, including optimised energy use.

Arauco is now one of the largest forestry companies in Latin America, having started with humble origins as a Chilean forestry and pulp products firm. It now has a staff headcount of more than 35,000 and is known for the high availability of its products across Latin America.


Extpub | by Dr. Radut