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Times Colonist | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Unemployment among forestry workers and amount of denuded timber harvest land will rise dramatically over next 20 years, a report says. It's funny. You can read that pine beetles have denuded and killed an area of B.C. forest land equivalent to the area of California and New York combined, but it...

Government of Norway | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The government of Norway has agreed to transfer an initial contribution of USD 30 million through an international financing mechanism to finance Phase I of the Indonesia-Norway partnership on REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) in Indonesia.  The two sides...

Gerson-Lehman Group | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

In a previous article we discussed the importance of the UN REDD program as well as the obstacles to its further implementation. Recognizing the impact that the retreat of the tropical forests is having on global warming, the United Nations launched the REDD program, Reduced Emissions from...

CALL4 | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

I have been to the last two COPs (climate change conferences) – in Poznan and Copenhagen. They were both incredibly draining and frustrating, watching our negotiators move ever-so-slowly to a not-quite-conclusion. It is enough to make you swear off climate policy for good. But (sigh) I keep on...

Frontpage Magazine | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

U.S., Pakistani and United Nations officials are not letting Pakistan’s flood crisis go to waste. They are exploiting it for an advantage in the high-stakes climate change debate. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pronounced on Pakistani television that she knew the cause of the flooding:...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Just a few weeks of actual negotiating time remain before the year-end summit in Cancun, and climate talks are a mess. Sure, most parties agree it’s a good idea to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by saving trees, but that’s about all they agree on. This all highlights the amount of risk that...

SM.COM.AU | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

New Zealand's sheep farmers are flocking to a government carbon trading program that pays more to plant trees than sell wool and mutton. The system, begun in 2008 and the only one of its kind outside Europe, awards farmers credits that are sold to offset greenhouse gas emissions. The project may...

The Sun Herald | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

MIDLAND, Mich. -- Dow Corning’s Midland manufacturing site is considering the installation of a biomass-powered energy facility to provide a renewable, reliable and cost-effective supply of steam and electricity necessary for the site’s operations. Cirque Energy, LLC, which would build, own and...

Costing a green Future | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Tropical Forest Conservation Act is an incentive program that provides less developed countries with debt relief when they protect their forests. According to USAID, this act includes funding from both the United States federal government and private organizations. The Tropical Forest...

SIFY | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Eleven tropical rainforest countries Tuesday agreed to commit on sustainable forest management at a ministerial meeting held in Indonesia's Bali province, Xinhua reported.

Farm Online Blog | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

POLITICIANS of all persuasions have had a hard time being nice to farmers in ways that don’t upset larger, more vociferous and vindictive sections of the voting public. In this campaign, they seem to have discovered the key: carbon! The hype from both major parties is that they - and only they...

Bloomberg | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

New Zealand’s sheep farmers are flocking to a government carbon trading program that pays more to plant trees than sell wool and mutton.

The Borneo Post | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

KUCHING: The state is interested to adopt the ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation’ (REDD) initiative as part of its sustainable forest conservation programme. Currently the government is at the initial discussion stage with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia...

Charlotte Observer | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Environmentalists are challenging the plans of a S.C.-based biotechnology firm to grow genetically engineered eucalyptus trees in the South, saying the fast-growing Australian species could spread uncontrollably. ArborGen LLC won federal permits in May to plant 330 acres of a eucalyptus hybrid in...

Forestry Nepal | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

DFID in its conceptual frameworks of Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches (SLAs) defines five types of asset: human capital, social capital (the ability to draw on support through membership of social groups), natural capital, physical capital, and financial capital for achieving poverty...

ITTO | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

In 2009, the UNECE region (which includes Europe, North America and the CIS) experienced an 11.6% fall in consumption of wood and paper products, the largest year-on-year drop since the oil crisis of the 1970s. This is a key conclusion of the Forest Products Annual Market Review 2009-2010 jointly...

Businessgreen Blog | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

You've got admire Mexico's attempts to "rescue" the UN's climate change negotiations ahead of this year's crucial summit in Cancun. After all, were the hosts of a party to admit it is not going to be much fun, you'd know to start making other arrangements.

The Norwegian Council of Africa | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Kampala (Uganda) - Uganda’s tobacco industry is spawning an environmental disaster, as farmers turn to fruit trees for wood fuel to cure the tobacco leaves. Driving through tobacco growing areas, outside the Murchison Falls National Park one barely encounters natural forests. The native trees...

IPS News | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

MONTEVIDEO, Aug 17, 2010 (Tierramérica) - "A Uruguayan consumes 40 kilos of paper per year, compared to 400 kilos consumed by someone in Finland. We produce wood pulp to feed foreign consumption," says sociologist María Selva Ortiz, representative of the environmental group Redes-Friends of...

World Resources Institute | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A new WRI project will quantify forest degradation and associated greenhouse gas emissions in the forests of the Republic of Congo.


by Dr. Radut