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Journal of Commerce | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

One of the major clouds hanging over British Columbia’s economy and forest products industry is uncertainty about the mountain pine beetle epidemic. To date, the pine beetle has killed an estimated 50% of the province’s mature lodgepole pine. In a recent economic analysis that focused on the pine...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Recent data on the Brazilian timber industry reveals that exports of timber products from the country (excluding pulp and paper) were at US$206 million in June, up a healthy 19 per cent on the previous year. During the same period, exports of tropical sawnwood fell in both volume and value terms,...

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

SHANGHAI, Aug. 9, 2010 (RISI) - Expansion (in almost all paper grades), is the word that can be heard most in talks among industry CEOs and executives during recent events that I attended organized by suppliers or industry associations in the pulp and paper industry. The Chinese market seems to...

Automated Trader | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

SANTIAGO -(Dow Jones)- Increasing demand from China and other emerging Asian markets will drive Chile's forestry industry in coming years, said a panel of industry executives Tuesday. Chile's forestry sector, which produces wood boards, plywood and pulp, accounts for 8% of global forestry exports...

Fox Business | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

SANTIAGO -(Dow Jones)- Chilean wood pulp producer Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion SA seeks to continue its regional expansion as it develops plans for a new pulp mill in Uruguay, Arauco's corporate director, Franco Bozzalla, said Tuesday. Arauco, through a joint-venture company with European pulp...

Engineering News | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A strong performance for its Europe & International division and improving conditions in its South Africa division have led to paper and packaging group Mondi reporting interim headline earnings a share of €0,24 a share. This compared to a headline loss a share of €0,01 a share in the six...

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

UNDP Programme Officer, Samuli Leminen, highlights REDD+ progress in Zambia since the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved US$4.5 million for the country’s national REDD+ strategy. “In recognition of the role REDD+ can plan in reducing emissions and facilitating sustainable socio-economic...

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

World forests are in the spotlight for good reasons. Deforestation and forest degradation continues at an alarming rate. The multiple crises of climate, finance and food require the need for action to limit deforestation and to manage our forests sustainably. This is necessary in order to mitigate...

IUCN | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Forests may be about to get a lucky break. If opportunities are seized and problems ironed out, international mechanisms to support reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhanced forest carbon stocks (“REDD-plus”) will give efforts to sustain forests and the livelihoods...

Gambia Today | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Experts from various institutions including Forestry and Environment, Community Forest Organizations, Timber Re-export Association and other relevant stakeholders Tuesday gathered at Baobab Beach Hotel in Kololi to address the issue of deforestation and climate change by planting one million trees...

Triple Pundit | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The winds of change are blowing across the climate change policy landscape. With legislation stalled in the Senate, attention now shifts to state and regional initiatives. In California, the Global Warming Solutions Act, better known as AB32 and passed in 2006, establishes a statewide mandate...

Vanguard Nigeria | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

To boost its afforestation programme, the Taraba Government is to raise 20 million seedlings by 2015. Mr Timothy Kataps, the Commissioner for  Environment and Urban Development, announced this on Thursday in Lankavir  during the official launching of the 2010 Tree Planting Campaign. He said the...

Stocks and Land | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A PIONEERING attempt to provide landholders with a new income stream through forestry offsets, Landcare CarbonSmart, has fallen foul of the Canberra stalemate over emissions regulation. Set up by Landcare Australia Limited, in part to help landholders put in smaller biodiverse plantings that could...

UNDP | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

UNDP has successfully finalized a seven-year biodiversity project that saved thousands of hectares of fragile forestland on a mountain range in northeast Tanzania, a region that the Government has nominated for recognition as a World Heritage Site...

Eko-Eco | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

With the fall of the US federal climate bill, eyes are shifting west to California's Air Resources Board (ARB) as it nears the November release of its cap-and-trade regulations under AB32. On Friday, the Board met with stakeholders about inclusion of reduced emission from deforestation and...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Afforestation and reforestation (A/R) activity to restore tree cover, a key component of the REDD+ mechanism and overall fight against climate change, risks grinding to a halt in the next two years in the absence of a new global climate agreement. This is one of the key findings of a study of...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Last year, the province of British Columbia budgeted $60 million for fighting forest fires, but ended up spending $400 million. This year, the province lowered its firefighting budget to $52 million, however it is currently spending almost $6 million a day while 400 wildfires are burning their way...

Forestry Nepal | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Forestry sector of Nepal requires reliable, accurate and updated forestry information for strategic planning, policy and management decisions. However, forestry information management system in Nepal is poor due to scattered data in different organizations, lack of periodic data updating policy and...

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Timber industry is becoming more and more innovative with increasing amount of advanced technologies and machinery being involved.  Russia is to construct 5 modern breeding and seed centers using Lannen Plant Systems technology (Finland). Thus, new centers will appear in the Moscow, Voronezh,...

FAO | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

As part of the Interim REDD+ Partnership (www.oslocfc2010.no) a Voluntary REDD+ Database is to be developed.


by Dr. Radut