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Huffington Post | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Can forest-rich countries learn from the mistakes of extractive projects and avoid unleashing their own resource curse? For poor developing countries, exploiting natural wealth such as minerals and metals should prove a blessing, offering the potential to generate huge revenues and help lift...

ForestTalk | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program was launched today by the Government of Canada. The $100-million program will help to expand opportunities for Canada’s forestry sector through the development of innovative projects and technologies. The Honourable Christian Paradis...

Internationalforestindustries | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Chile’s forestry industry could increase wood production over 30% in the next fifteen years, as the sector significantly expands its land holdings, Hans Grosse, head of state forestry agency Instituto Forestal (Infor), said. The nation’s forestry sector, which produces 8% of the world’s wood pulp,...

Internationalforestindustries | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Due to the global recession that began in the second half of 2008, China’s total log imports declined in 2009 to 28.1 million m3 (-5.1%). The unexpected turnaround in the Chinese economy, starting in Q2/2009, significantly moderated the falling trend in Chinese log import volumes for the year....

The Gatette | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A new U.S. study probing the role of soot emissions in driving global climate change highlights the severe impact that black carbon in the air and dirty snow on the Earth’s surface have in melting Canada’s Arctic sea ice. During a 10-year investigation detailed in the latest issue of the Journal...

Times Colonist | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Less than six months before the global climate summit in Copenhagen, this summer is giving us another taste of climate change. The extended heat wave reminded us that we're on the edge of a dangerous threshold unless we reduce carbon emissions quickly. The tree-planting carbon offset proposed by B....

The Chronicle Herald | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A regulatory hearing on Nova Scotia Power Inc.’s application to build a $208-million biomass energy project in Port Hawkesbury has been put on hold pending a review of other renewable energy projects. The decision was reached Thursday after testimony from John Antonuk of Liberty Consulting Group in...

FavStocks | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Leading up to next week’s round of international climate change negotiations in Bonn, Germany, a coalition that includes Environmental Defense Fund today presented to the United Nations its proposals to properly account for land management activities that add or remove carbon in the atmosphere....

Clean Technica | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Center for Climate Strategies has issued a report laying out in detail the cost/benefit analysis underpinning 23 policy options and their expected net cost per ton of greenhouse gases removed. Like the three climate bills that would have reduced the deficit by about $20 billion by 2020, these...

International Institute for Environment and Development | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

With concerns over climate change rising, there have been several initiatives aimed at reducing the impacts and contributing factors of climate change. But with millions and potentially billions of dollars at stake, how successful will these initiatives be in mitigating climate change?

The Himalayan Times | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

KATHMANDU: The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development today launched a Project Management Unit (PMU) in Kathmandu to coordinate and manage a project for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in community forests. The four-year project (2009-2013)...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A MINISTERIAL team from the Republic of Congo (ROC) yesterday completed the third day of a fact- finding visit on Guyana’s sustainable forestry management and the Low-Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) with a packed programme, including a courtesy call on Agriculture Minister, Mr. Robert...

Enviro-Library | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Aceh is a forest landscape where the interests of local people, extractive industries and globally important biodiversity are in conflict. Two prevailing factors have ensured large tracts of forest in Ulu Masen have remained relatively undisturbed: the three decade long separatist conflict that...

IUCN | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

“We need to continuously, strongly and publicly argue that carbon sequestration is only one of many ecosystem services that forests can provide”. “Climate change has focused our attention on the need for urgent and decisive action if we are to avoid the Earth passing a point of no return beyond...

WRI | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The world’s forests play a unique and complex role in the global carbon budget, as emissions from land use change—particularly deforestation— represent around 12–15% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, yet forests also act as an essential carbon sink through storage and sequestration (van der...

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

On June 24 in Washington DC, the governing body of the multilateral Forest Investment Program (FIP) gathered for its fourth meeting and made a series of decisions, advancing the FIP to its next critical stage of implementation.

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s (FCPF) sixth Participants Committee meeting, which took place in Georgetown, Guyana at the end of June, reviewed and assessed the Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PPs) of Argentina, Costa Rica, Kenya, Nepal and the Republic of Congo, and allocated $17.2...

Environment News | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A new bridge has come to symbolise Brazil's most challenging and urgent issue: balancing the demands of economic development with environmental protection

The Victoria Times Colonist | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A decade of cuts has left a priceless resource facing a homemade crisis... There is an old saying that if the forest service is not planting trees, then it is not doing its job. When reforestation was the law in British Columbia, the forest ministry reported in its 2000-01 annual report that the...

Field | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

BRIEFING PAPER   The Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP), 2-6 August 2010, Bonn: FIELD has prepared this briefing paper to assist developing...


by Dr. Radut