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Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Biochar—the agricultural application of charcoal produced from burning biomass—may be one of this century's most important social and environmental revolutions. This seemingly humble practice—a technology that goes back thousands of years—has the potential to help mitigate a number of entrenched...

vor 14 Jahre 7 months

ITTO's Annual Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation compiles the most up-to-date and reliable international statistics available on global production and trade of timber, with an emphasis on the tropics. It also provides information on trends in forest area, forest management and the...

Fachhochschule Eberswalde | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Analysis of the Implementation of Horse Applications within Forestry Operations in the German-Polish Border Region Horse applications always had a huge meaning in forestry. Its suitability for the labour in the forest and the ability to fulfil multiple tasks made the horse to the human’s main...

This Day Online | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey, has said that the Federal Government is fast- tracking the implementation of sound policies to promote the development of green energy projects.

ABC Rural | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The former Rudd Government's Emissions Trading Scheme has been all but swept under the carpet, with neither Julia Gillard's government or the Opposition committing to such a scheme. If or when the idea of a carbon tax returns to Australian politics, there's one form of renewable energy that many in...

Tainted Green | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

What do bone fragments, cow patties and banana peels have in common? They all help gardens grow. When processed into a charcoal-like substance called biochar instead of being burned directly for fuel, researchers say organic materials could offset as much as 12 percent of the world's greenhouse...

USDA | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

I want to thank Avoided Deforestation Partners for holding this event and inviting me to join all of the distinguished speakers here today in urging the adoption of REDD plus as part of a global climate framework. We are encouraged by the progress being made here in moving REDD forward.  The...

The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Indonesia hopes to renegotiate its US$1 billion deal with Norway on reducing carbon emissions by curbing deforestation, hoping Norway will accept tree planting as an eligible part of the program. “We hope REDD+ activities could be applied in the Indonesia-Norway climate deal,” Hadi Daryanto,...

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

A new study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B finds that forests which have undergone logging in the past, sometimes even twice, retain significant levels of biodiversity in Borneo. The researchers say these findings should push conservationists to protect more logged forests from being...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The Australian government is proposing to allow foresters and farmers to create carbon offset credits for international sale into foreign emissions trading markets. Prime Minister Julia Gillard launched the policy on the weekend, part of campaigning ahead of a federal election on August 21.

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

Ministry of Industry of the Omsk region is to produce bio fuel from lignum fossil and woodworking wastes. The project is to be realized in cooperation with LLC Proryv-Invest. Besides, the company intends to design heat power plants that will use lignum fossil and wastes as raw material. Currently...

NewsWire | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- There is no doubt that solid strip oak floors are still the overwhelming preference for most homeowners in the United States, and the reason is clear. Wood floors offer the most environmentally friendly flooring option available on the market. But...

The Olympian | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

GRANTS PASS, Ore. – A federal appeals court Friday cleared the way for logging to resume in an old growth forest reserve at a national forest in Oregon to protect northern spotted owl habitat from being lost to wildfire. In a 2-to-1 decision by a three-judge panel, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of...

African Capital Market News | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

British development finance institution, CDC (www.cdcgroup.com) has committed US$50 million to the GEF Africa Sustainable Forestry Fund (GASFF), the first private equity fund to focus solely on sustainable forestry in sub-Saharan Africa. The fund is to be run by the investment team of Global...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The US and Brazil have signed an agreement whereby US$21 million (£13.5 million) of Brazilian debt will be put into a fund for the protection of the country’s rainforest and tropical ecosystems. The US has agreed that instead of paying back its debt, the money will be utilised to protect the...

The Independent | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The world's first genuinely green energy deal is about to be sealed. In a plan which could be a blueprint for saving large tracts of the planet from exploitation, a greater value is being put on a pristine wilderness than on the oil that lies beneath.

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

LONDON, Aug. 12, 2010 (RISI) - This week the Chinese government, following up on an announcement made on May 27 of this year, released a final list of 279 pulp and paper mills at which capacity is to be removed as part of its broader program of closing small, inefficient manufacturing operations...

GRIST | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

With the climate bill officially dead, there's already a trickle of "who's to blame and what they should have done differently" pieces. I expect it will soon become a flood.

Planting Empowerment | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

I think we would all agree that it is a disappointment that the US Senate didn't take up a climate bill that included a cap and trade system to finally put a price on carbon and begin reducing emissions.

Forest Trends | vor 14 Jahre 7 months

The REDD+ Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) is a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, and institutional framework for carbon finance....


by Dr. Radut