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The Telegraph | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Fire in the Amazon, it turns out, was not a 'report' or a scientific paper but, as the WWF now acknowledges, a text published by IPAM? on its website in 1999

Earth Consciuos Magazine | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

  The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), a member of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR), with funding from the Norwegian Government, has published a study on forest law enforcement and governance, and forest practices in Guyana.

World Resources Institute | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

A new policy to develop oil palm on degraded land could protect Indonesia’s forests. But what does “degraded” really mean?

World Resources Institute | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

In May 2010, Norway agreed to contribute up to $1 billion towards reducing deforestation and forest degradation and loss of peatland in Indonesia, which now account for more than 80 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The “Letter of Intent” is a promising first step, yet the two...

EFI | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The European Parliament has voted in favour of legislation banning illegally logged timber imports into the European Union. The new legislation bans illegally-harvested timber or timber products from being placed on the EU market. This will prevent such wood from effectively being laundered once...

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

NZ forestry production and trade data for the March 2010 quarter is now available on the web. Details can be found at address below*. Key points - compared with the same quarter of the previous year (March 2009) are; - Total roundwood volume harvested this quarter was an estimated 5.5 million...

Ecometrica | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Working with the Malawi, Environmental, Endowment Trust (MEET), and Bioclimate Research and Development, on a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). We developed a participatory process for Monitoring Assessment and Verification of ecosystem service...

Lao Voices | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Forestry officials have warned this week that all development projects need to take environmental protection into account, to ensure the sustainable growth of the national economy. Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Forestry Department, Dr Silavanh Sawathvong, said...

Eko-Eco | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

As international policy frameworks and pledges of billions of dollars move REDD+ forward, many observers remain concerned over how to ensure the lofty promises being made for global forest conservation will actually provide broader social and environmental benefits. The issue of safeguards took...

FAO | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Nestling on the North Jiangsu Plain, with a population of 1 million inhabitants, Siyang County is an ideal showcase of the integrated capacity of poplar forests to restore marginal flood plains, stabilizing the banks of the Yellow, Huai and Yangtze rivers and, directly and indirectly benefiting...

This Day Online | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The Federal Government and the United Nations agency, the United Nations Development Programme yesterday commenced efforts to check forest destruction with the inauguration of the National Technical Committee on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Abuja.

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

In order for REDD+ to be successful in halting deforestation in developing countries, carbon finance incentives will need to be delivered through smaller scale channels as well as big national bureacracies, The Nature Conservancy argues. To this end, the Nature Conservancy has issued a report, ‘...

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

In a recent intersessional decision on 25 June, the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved the budget for an additional US$8.7 million to fund global activities aimed at supporting national REDD+ readiness efforts.

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The UN-REDD Programme looks at why good governance is essential to the success of REDD+, and highlights the steps the Programme will be taking to support governance activities in countries.

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Researchers have questioned 2009 findings by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) that found that India's forests were, unlike many tropical Asian nations', on the rebound. According to the FSI, Indian forests had grown by almost five percent from the 1990s. Yet, were these finding too good to be...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

President Bharrat Jagdeo on Monday implored donors not to “obsess” with capacity building before releasing funds as this would hinder development efforts. He made the appeal, as he again signalled his displeasure that donors are slow to release money for forest protection efforts. “You have a...

The Climate Change Fraud | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

In The Observer today, there is a confused and incomplete story about how the REDD scheme is being undermined by corruption. Some countries, we are told, intend to abuse system "by pocketing billions in subsidies while continuing to fell trees."

The Jakarta Globe | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

  The Indonesian Forest Concessionaires Association said on Friday that the possible inclusion of production forest areas in the planned two-year logging moratorium could threaten local industries by drastically reducing timber supply. Last month President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed an...


by Dr. Radut