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The Timberland Blog | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

In discussions with newcomers considering investments in timberland or the publicly traded timber REITs, I frequently find that there is substantial misunderstandings about what a TIMO is and what the TIMO role is in the investment community. This backgrounder is intended to answer those...

PRLOG | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Jul 01, 2010 – Seattle, USA. June, 2010. Eucalyptus pulplog prices in Brazil have been very stable in the local currency and they have hardly changed at all since 2006, as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly. In US dollar terms, on the other hand, wood fiber costs have increased...

International Forestindustries | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

April 2010 was a month where record volumes of pinus radiata logs were shipped out of New Zealand. The vast majority were headed for Asia where other suppliers such as the USA and Canada, are also ramping up supply. The ability of Asia and in particular China, to absorb the increased supply, is...

International Forestindustries | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The Administration of Komi Republic and DOK Kalevala has recently signed a Protocol on cooperation in construction of a woodworking mill in Petrozavodsk. DOK kalevala is to become the first company in Russia that will produce different kinds of OSB. reports ‘Runa’. The first stage is to be...

The Citizen | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The government is to refund a total of Sh 2.8 billion to the Norwegian government as settlement for a long running dispute stemming from reported embezzlement of millions of shillings in a Donor backed natural resources development programme.     The Citizen has established that the refund is...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The government of Vietnam has spent two years piloting regional schemes that use economic incentives to preserve forests by getting businesses that benefit from them to pay people who preserve them.  Now it’s taking the scheme nationwide.

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The idea behind REDD+ is simple: Reward the people who manage forest resources in developing countries so they reduce emissions and increase removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. But ensuring that the rights of forest peoples are formally integrated in climate change programmes...

Daily Times | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

It must be realised that while population growth and poverty do threaten forests, their destruction is more seriously determined by institutional and economic policies. Institutional failure can occur due to pro-degradation land use development policies or if there is a lack of regulation of...

Environmental Leader | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

An estimated 16% of the total global GHG emissions are directly attributed to the destruction of tropical forests. Forest carbon based projects, which include reforestation, afforestation, improved forest management and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), have...

The Independent Online | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Nigeria a couple of months ago endorsed the Copenhagen Accord when she submitted a letter in May to the United Nations indicating her association with the document. However, Nigeria did not provide any specific emission reduction targets as part of its commitment to the Accord.  

18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Scotland, 28 June - 2 July 2010 | Contents: Invited Speaker Abstracts, Oral Obstracts, Poster Abstracts, Author Index. www.cfc2010.org

The Gisborne Herald | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

THE Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) presents unique opportunities for many rural landowners in New Zealand; carbon forestry will allow landowners to use the scheme to their advantage and gain a new income stream. Marginal farmland throughout the country can be converted into forestry and as long...

AllAfrica | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

While the global community is fighting wars on many fronts, the Commonwealth Secretary-General has said that there is no greater fight than climate change, "where the battle for the forest represents the front line, and the very thick of the action." Finally, the primacy of the forest in...

The New Zealand Herald | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

New Zealand's coal exports to China were labelled 'hypocritical' by audience members at a public meeting on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)in Blenheim last night. Climate Change Minister Nick Smith addressed the meeting - part of the Government's road show on the scheme - and was adamant that...

Farm Online | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

FARMERS are managing an enormous amount of carbon in their landscapes, but get very little credit for the fact under the current Kyoto greenhouse gas accounting rules.   That was the finding of a study by the Lower Apsley Landcare Group in the southern New England, which attempted to quantify...

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

  June 2010: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the report of the informal meeting of experts, which took place in Bonn, Germany, from 25-26 May 2010, on enhancing coordination of capacity-building activities in relation to using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidance...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

Uncoated groundwood paper (such as newsprint, are made from mechanically ground wood pulp that contains impurities - i.e., everything that nature puts into the tree) has less than half the carbon footprint of uncoated freesheet paper (which are made from pulp that is "cooked" and chemically...

The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 8 months

The past few decades have witnessed the increasing importance of forest resources for humankind. Not only serving the global demands on timber and interest in economic well-being, forests are also seen as vital in providing environmental services and amenities for humans, providing habitats to...


by Dr. Radut