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Engage Media | vor 13 Jahre 3 months

On last 21 September - the World Day against Monoculture Tree Plantations - the “No REDD Platform”, a coalition of environmental groups and Indigenous peoples organizations, launched a call to the international donor community to halt the diversion of forest conservation funding to REDD+-type...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 3 months

Coast Tsimshian Resources has signed a contract to sell 150,000 cubic metres of logs to Fujian Hijong Wood Industry Co. Ltd. of Putian, China. Wayne Drury, Coast Tsimshian’s general manager, said of cutting and shipping the logs to fulfill the contract will provide work to support 150 families in B...

Climate Connect | vor 13 Jahre 3 months

VITOL, the world's leading energy trading firm has signed a landmark agreement to forward-purchase 7 million CERs to be generated from the first-ever CDM project and Program of Activity in Burundi. The deal represents an estimated value of €45 million over 7 years based on current market price....

IIED | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

With the dusk of the International Year of Forests fast approaching, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, sustainable forest management, conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks (REDD+) has the potential to bring positive changes to the lives of people who are...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Download the PDF here... November 15, 2011 The Honourable Christy Clark Premier of British Columbia PO Box 9041 Station Provincial Government Victoria, BC V8W 9E1 Dear Premier Christy Clark,

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Italian leading paper machinery manufacturer Toscotec will supply a complete tissue production line to the Rumanian Company Petrocart. The tissue line will be installed at Piatra Neamt capital of the Neamt district in the Moldavia historical region. The line will be started up at the beginning of...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Deforestation in the northern parts of the U.S. can cool down the Earth rather than contribute to global warming, according to a study published Wednesday. Cutting trees north of 45 degrees latitude — and leaving open spaces — can increase sunlight reflection and thereby decrease heat absorption,...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The Asia Pacific Network for Environmental Governance (APNEG) invites readers to participate in their survey. The survey is on Governance and economic incentives for reducing the contribution of tropical deforestation to climate change.   They are interested in the perceptions of forest management...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Praxair Uruguay, a subsidiary of Praxair, Inc. (NYSE: PX), has signed a 15-year contract to supply oxygen to a new pulp mill complex being built in Punta Pereira, in the department of Colonia, Uruguay. The new facility will be operated by Montes del Plata, a 50-50 joint venture between Arauco of...

Business Daily Africa | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta’s 2009/2010 Budget mentioned that Kenya would establish a carbon trading exchange.   The ministry has since prepared a detailed draft National Policy on Carbon Finance and Emission Trading to guide the setting up of a legal, regulatory, and institutional...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Outside the XII Scientific and Technical Council of the Peugeot carbon sink forest and ONF (French Agency for Forest) has been developed at the University of Brasilia from 2 to 4 November and has brought together dozens of political, scientific and academic Brazilian and French, Peugeot and ONF...

Resources for the Future | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Efforts to reduce deforestation in developing tropical countries continue to provide promising opportunities to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while simultaneously addressing development concerns. Below are highlights from four new RFF Issue Briefs that investigate how U.S. policy can...

IIED | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

As policymakers prepare to discuss REDD+ at UN climate talks in Durban, they should heed the lessons learned from years of experience in participatory forest management across the developing world.

ForestCarbon Portal | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Meridian Institute This report proposes guidelines for developing REDD+ reference levels (RLs) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It identifies principles that should be adhered to, the steps that must be taken, the data that will be required, and shows how...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

As more and more airlines, travel-related companies and websites offer carbon offsets to neutralize the impact of our day-to-day activities on the climate, people are faced with the seemingly daunting task of figuring out what offset projects are doing the most to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)...

Welsh Icons | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, John Griffiths, last week (3 November) visited the first woodland in Wales that allows companies to measure how much harmful carbon dioxide they are capturing from the atmosphere.

Peolple Daily | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

China has spent a total of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars of foreign loans and grants on its forestry sector by the end of last year since the country started international cooperation on forestry development in 1985, the State Forestry Administration (SFA) announced Tuesday. The foreign funding,...

Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The World Bank has said that it is no longer providing the National Toshaos Council (NTC) with the funds to educate Amerindians about the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). This was confirmed yesterday by Yvonne Pearson, who heads the NTC.


by Dr. Radut