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Malebits | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Seattle, WA, October 20, 2010 -- Continued increases in demand for wood raw-material from sawmills, plywood plants and pulp mills in China has pushed domestic log prices upward and many Chinese companies are increasingly exploring the opportunities of importing more logs and wood chips to...

CTV | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

A Greenpeace report says government policies that encourage burning more trees to create energy threaten Canada's forests and climate. The report says that biomass energy is no longer limited to burning waste products such as sawdust and log chips. It says provincial governments have created a "...

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Replacing community conservation of mangrove forests at Rufiji delta in favour of fortress conservation by the state to meet carbon trading needs will not work. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) is a climate change mitigation initiative that seeks to integrate tropical...

Economist | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

REDUCING the risks of climate change is not a technological problem. There are many ways to generate electricity, drive cars or grow crops without emitting much carbon dioxide—but they are expensive. According to the International Energy Agency, $13.5 trillion must be invested in low-carbon energy...

RISI | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

SEATTLE, WA, Okt. 31, 2011 (RISI) - Note to RISI readers who may feel that we are becoming the "All China -- All the Time" channel: I really did have another subject in mind for this Viewpoint, on South America, but then I received an interesting email from Lithuania and got a bit side-tracked....

Papernet SE | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Nov 1, 2011 Stora Enso is planning to build a new integrated carton board mill in southern China. The investment will be larger than the total cost for Stora Enso’s and Arauco’s pulp mill project in Uruguay. The carton board mill will be built in Guangxi province in southern China. Stora Enso...

Biomass Magazine | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

It's no wonder Canada is a world leader in forestry and wood products. The country has 10 provinces, three territories and endless shorelines along the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In between its coastal boundaries, Canada boasts 981 million acres of forest, making up 10 percent of the world’s wood...

Daily Astorian | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

At first glance, the latest biomass study out of Oregon State University seemed like bad news with a capital B. It certainly could pose yet another obstacle for champions of woody biomass removal, the latest and perhaps best hope to address the problems of our rural forest communities. Those...

Norway News English | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Audits finally conducted of Norway’s foreign aid to Tanzania revealed irregularities and corruption, but critics claim Norwegian officials reacted much too mildly. The Foreign Ministry (Utenriksdepartementet, UD) appears to have been reluctant to take up difficult questions with Tanzanian...

TropenBos | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

ropenbos International would like to invite you to an informal networking event on 23 November 2011, to learn about the practical dilemmas of regulating domestic timber markets. During this seminar our partners from Ghana and Guyana will briefly present their experiences, after which there will be...

EFD | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

REDD offers potentially huge financial benefits for Tanzania. According to a draft national strategy for this forest carbon trading system, based on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the country could earn $630 million a year. Yet researchers from Environment for...

Timberland Blog | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

I've had several requests for an update on issues surrounding timberland investments and transactions to date for 2011 so I am posting a chart of the transactions of which I am aware. I will also make a comment or two on conservation easements and on who is buying timberland today. The following...

TRUST | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

At Najjembe roadside market, in the heart of Uganda’s rainforest, Sanyu Nakato offers the bright yellow bananas in her basket to hungry passengers on the long-distance coach to neighbouring Kenya, who snap up her wares.  “I sell up to 20 baskets of bananas daily,” she says. “Although we’re selling...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

UNECE Timber Committee Statement on  Forest Products Markets in 2011 and 2012 Adopted on 14 October 2011 The Committee reviewed developments in forest products markets as reported in the Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2010-2011, as well as experts’ presentations, country market statements...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Japan has exemplary carbon credentials. It is amongst the most energy and carbon efficient economies in the world, and one of its most beautiful cities gave its name to the UN’s Kyoto Protocol. Despite extraordinarily difficult economic and political circumstances, Japan is quietly forging ahead...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Two Feathers Forest Products is a partnership formed in 2008 between Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation, and the Wood Tech Group from Finland with the goal of supporting new opportunities in the Whitefeather Forest. The Whitefeather Forest lies within...

Ghana Business News | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The 2010 Annual Transparency Report Card has recommended to stakeholders to lend support in ensuring transparent and accountable forest governance in the management of Ghana’s natural forest resources for present and future generations. A statement signed by Wilberforce Laate, Deputy Executive...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Dear Participants Committee Members and Carbon Fund Participants:    

Two Circles | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Agartala : India will engage 100,000 educated youths to execute an ambitious Green India Mission (GIM) which seeks to increase the country's forest cover to 33 percent from 20 percent within 10 years, says a top forest official. P.J. Dilip Kumar, director general of India's forest department, says...

PaperIndex News | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Finland, Oct 20, 2011 - Metso will supply a new fiberline for chemical cellulose for Sappi's Ngodwana mill in South Africa. Start-up is scheduled for the first half of 2013. The value of the order will not be disclosed. Metso's delivery will include the design and supply of the main equipment for...


by Dr. Radut