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TRUST | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

At Najjembe roadside market, in the heart of Uganda’s rainforest, Sanyu Nakato offers the bright yellow bananas in her basket to hungry passengers on the long-distance coach to neighbouring Kenya, who snap up her wares.  “I sell up to 20 baskets of bananas daily,” she says. “Although we’re selling...

The Citizen | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The carbon offset projects being undertaken in Tanzania by a Norwegian company, Green Resources ASA (GRAS), have begun to make remarkable progress in addressing the challenge of climate change and contributing significantly to national poverty alleviation efforts. The conglomerate, which operates...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Summary Please click here to download.   Keywords: c. National Policy & Legislation, Other Publications, Asia, Forest, Forestry, Lao PDR, Laos, participatory forest

PIA | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

TACLOBAN CITY, Leyte, October 22 (PIA) -- A three-day audio-visual/photo exhibit dubbed “The Philippine Forests: The Before and What Now?” was conducted on October 14 to 16 at the La Plaza, Tiendesitas Frontera Verde, Pasig City. The exhibit showcased how to manage forest resources in a sustainable...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

19 October 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published views (FCCC/SBSTA/2011/MISC.7) on methodological guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon...

National Geographic | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Yerevan, Armenia–As Armenia was celebrating twenty years of independence in September, local and international experts came together to discuss youth, maturity, and transitions at the TEDx Yerevan event on September 24, 2011. The twenty speakers came from diverse backgrounds, including a former U.S...

REDD-Net | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

One of the key questions that has arisen in the context of the REDD+ debate surrounds which actors have the right to exploit the benefits of GHG emissions reductions and removals in REDD+, and the associated rights to international payments. Because carbon is stored in trees and land, in many cases...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

UNECE Timber Committee Statement on  Forest Products Markets in 2011 and 2012 Adopted on 14 October 2011 The Committee reviewed developments in forest products markets as reported in the Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2010-2011, as well as experts’ presentations, country market statements...

Ghana Business News | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The 2010 Annual Transparency Report Card has recommended to stakeholders to lend support in ensuring transparent and accountable forest governance in the management of Ghana’s natural forest resources for present and future generations. A statement signed by Wilberforce Laate, Deputy Executive...

Climatico | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Last month, the second edition of State of the Forest Carbon Markets,was released. All in all, the report painted a positive picture for the forest carbon markets: the volumes, transaction value and average prices in 2010 were all up on the previous year at, respectively, 30.1MtCO2e, $178 million...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Japan has exemplary carbon credentials. It is amongst the most energy and carbon efficient economies in the world, and one of its most beautiful cities gave its name to the UN’s Kyoto Protocol. Despite extraordinarily difficult economic and political circumstances, Japan is quietly forging ahead...

Two Circles | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Agartala : India will engage 100,000 educated youths to execute an ambitious Green India Mission (GIM) which seeks to increase the country's forest cover to 33 percent from 20 percent within 10 years, says a top forest official. P.J. Dilip Kumar, director general of India's forest department, says...

PaperIndex News | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Finland, Oct 20, 2011 - Metso will supply a new fiberline for chemical cellulose for Sappi's Ngodwana mill in South Africa. Start-up is scheduled for the first half of 2013. The value of the order will not be disclosed. Metso's delivery will include the design and supply of the main equipment for...

Korea Times | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

CHANGWON ― Over the next five years, Korea will channel 3 billion won ($2.6 million) to plant millions of trees along the border areas of China and Mongolia to prevent the expansion of yellow dust storms here. Toward that end, the Korea Forest Service (KFS) signed a memorandum of understanding (...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Two Feathers Forest Products is a partnership formed in 2008 between Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation, and the Wood Tech Group from Finland with the goal of supporting new opportunities in the Whitefeather Forest. The Whitefeather Forest lies within...

Packaging Europe | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Log exportation from New Zealand continues to rise at a record pace, with almost one-third of the country’s timber harvest being processed at sawmills in China. The high demand for logs from overseas has increased domestic sawlog prices to their highest levels in 15 years, according to the Wood...

Stockmarket Reviews | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Oct 26, 2011 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA ,MARKETWIRE ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ESR), is pleased to announce completion of its October 20, 2011 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") at which the shareholders re-elected Dr. Robert Falls, Duncan J. Manson, Bart Simmons, Graham Harris, Holger...

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Earth Observation data are regarded as a cost-efficient means for locating different types of vegetation cover at the ground level. Two different earth-observation products (Kempeneers et al. 2011 and Schuck et al. 2002 / Päivinen et al. 2001) have been combined with statistical forest inventory...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

SCA Timber is curtailing sawmill production by 10% for the rest of the year. Most of the production limitation is connected with the Christmas and New Year holidays. “We are reducing production in order to avoid building inventory,” said chief executive Jonas Mårtensson. “Demand has not fallen....

UN | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

26 October 2011 – Forests can play an even greater role in feeding the world with products ranging from vitamin-rich leaves to fruits and roots, a United Nations-backed international consortium said today, calling on governments to invest more in sustainable forest management and rehabilitation.


by Dr. Radut