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TRUST | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Land is cheap and is perceived to be abundant in Africa. A scramble for Africa’s land, following the food and fuel crisis three years ago, is on. European and North American companies have been acquiring land to grow export and biofuel crops and to supply their need for pulp and paper. Now they’re...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Exports of Southland eucalyptus woodchips have according to the Southland Times doubled in the past two years and the wood is on the way to becoming the region’s main timber export. South Port chief executive Mark O’Connor said the volume of chips heading to Japan had climbed from 100,000 tonnes to...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

International technology Group ANDRITZ has been awarded an order by Xinxiang Xinya Group Co., Ltd. (Henan Xinhai Paper Co. Ltd.) to supply key equipment, a new automation system, and services for the upgrade of a softwood CTMP line which was transferred from Canada to China. Start-up of the new...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

September was fairly good in the timber market. Timber prices were high in comparison to long-term averages and all timber grades were in good demand. Stumpage prices remained on the high level achieved one year ago in September, although a slight month-on-month decrease was recorded.

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

New Zealand wood panels are being used for reconstruction in Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has just released forestry production and trade figures for the April to June 2011 quarter. The statistics show that roundwood...

CIGAR | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

In a WORLDVIEW opinion piece in Nature (22 Sept 2011), Jianchu Xu argues that China’s new forests aren’t as green as they seem. ”Impressive reports of increased forest cover mask a focus on non-native tree crops that could damage the ecosystem.”

ForestPeoples | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) secretariat will propose to the next GEF Council meeting a revised set of Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards and accountability mechanisms that will accompany such standards. With the GEF’s increasing engagement in REDD+ related activities and a long...

AIPPNET | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Ecuador’s participation in the global carbon market has generated complications in indigenous peoples and Afro-Ecuadorian communities, which have not only seen cutbacks in their rights to use land for ancestral activities, but whose organizations have also undergone fracturing due to the government...

Lateline | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcast: 03/10/2011, Reporter: Suzanne Smith Each tree in the forests of the Amazon is being assessed for its price as a commodity on international carbon trading markets.

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Forestry Branch of OJSC Ilim Group in Koryazhma (Arkhangelsk Oblast) has gone through audit verifying the compliance with the FSC Forest Management requirements. No significant incompliances with the international standards have been identified during the audit which was carried out by GFA (...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Ulu Masen project was developed by the Provincial Government of Aceh with the assistance of Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and the carbon brokerage firm, Carbon Conservation. On achieving the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard, the government of Aceh completed a pre-...

Environmetal Finance | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

German insurance giant Allianz has invested an undisclosed sum in Wildlife Works Carbon, a US-based developer of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

At the ANDRITZ Capital Market Days 2011, Wolfgang Leitner, President and CEO of ANDRITZ AG, today specified the sales and earnings targets of the ANDRITZ GROUP for 2011 and 2012:

ForestTalk | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

AbitibiBowater announced today that it will change the company name to Resolute Forest Products as of November 7, 2011.

Government of Norway | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Norway launches an international energy and climate partnership in support of the UN Secretary-General’s initiative “Sustainable Energy for All”. The Partnership aims to ensure access to sustainable energy for all and avoid greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy and energy...

Focali | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Since the COP meeting in Bali in 2007, Norway has stood out as the principal donor of REDD+ money. Learning from the Norwegian experiences can prove useful for other donors. This brief treats a number of interesting issues raised in the first evaluation reports of the Norwegian efforts. The brief...

GoForWood | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Lumber shipments from Canada alone could reach 1.2 billion dollars this year. The North American share of log and lumber import volumes to China has increased from four percent in 2005 to 18 percent in 2010. The US and Canada have been exporting record volumes of logs and lumber to China in 2011....

REDD-NET | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

This paper explores the relationship between safeguards and multiple benefits in REDD+ activities, focusing on the possible institutional and governance structures that could facilitate attaining multiple benefits and respecting safeguards. It highlights key issues for further negotiation and...

ECONews | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

In a landmark, first-of-its kind, acquisition for conservationists a global conservation group has led the purchase of Fish River Station, a former cattle station in the Northern Territory, and is to hand it back to indigenous traditional owners. The land was acquired by The Nature Conservancy (TNC...

TTJ Online | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

EU imports of Russian plywood surged in the first half of 2011, according to the latest market report from the International Tropical Timber Organisation. Russian hardwood plywood imports reached 416,000m³ in the first half, up 23% on the 340,000m³ shipped a year ago. The birch plywood imports made...


by Dr. Radut