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NewsWire | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

SEATTLE, Oct. 18, 2011 /CNW/ -- Ovalstrapping Inc., a Washington State company, has filed suit in Federal District Court in Tacoma against Andritz AG, a large international industrial concern with headquarters in Austria. Ovalstrapping has a long history of design and production of machinery used...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

(Reuters) - Australia and Norway have crafted a proposal they hope will get troubled global climate talks back on track and win agreement on a broader climate pact by 2015. If they succeed, it could mean a new climate deal could go into force by 2018 once nations sign and parliaments ratify the...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

If clearing tropical forests for agriculture is a major cause of the ongoing catastrophic decline in biodiversity, conventional thinking would have us believe that reducing the number of farms and allowing the forests to expand should help reverse that decline, at least locally. However, a recent...

Manilla Bulletin Publishing Board | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Japanese government has earmarked the appropriation of an estimated Y9.244 billion, or approximately P5.084 billion, to strengthen forestland management in the Philippines. The latest Official Development Assistance (ODA) loan was signed by Japanese Ambassador Toshinao Urabe and Secretary of...

Hindustan Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

A new study supported by the Green Party of Germany finds that compensatory afforestation has not taken off in many cases and forest conservation rules have helped industry more than environment. The report funded by the Heinrich Boll Foundation of the Green Party comes at the time when the...

Forest Trends | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

This second annual State of the Forest Carbon Markets tracks, reports, and analyzes trends in global transactions of emissions reductions generated from forest carbon projects. The data and analysis that follow cover forest carbon activity in compliance carbon markets as well as voluntary carbon...

Paperindex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Helsinki, Finland, Sep 29, 2011 - Stora Enso’s and Arauco’s Montes del Plata joint-venture pulp mill project is proceeding and the external financing for the project has been finalised. Montes del Plata has signed the loan agreements and as part of the financing arrangements, Stora Enso has signed...

CIGAR | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

In a WORLDVIEW opinion piece in Nature (22 Sept 2011), Jianchu Xu argues that China’s new forests aren’t as green as they seem. ”Impressive reports of increased forest cover mask a focus on non-native tree crops that could damage the ecosystem.”

TRUST | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Land is cheap and is perceived to be abundant in Africa. A scramble for Africa’s land, following the food and fuel crisis three years ago, is on. European and North American companies have been acquiring land to grow export and biofuel crops and to supply their need for pulp and paper. Now they’re...

vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Austria, Sep 27, 2011 - The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG has extended the Management Board mandate of Friedrich Weninger (54) for a further three years until the end of 2014. Friedrich Weninger serves as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and is accordingly responsible for the business operations of...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Emerging international standards for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) projects require a demonstrated biodiversity benefit and a biodiversity monitoring protocol. Guidance for an acceptable protocol is proposed specifically for tropical forests, focusing on technologies...

ForestPeoples | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) secretariat will propose to the next GEF Council meeting a revised set of Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards and accountability mechanisms that will accompany such standards. With the GEF’s increasing engagement in REDD+ related activities and a long...

Government of Norway | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Norway launches an international energy and climate partnership in support of the UN Secretary-General’s initiative “Sustainable Energy for All”. The Partnership aims to ensure access to sustainable energy for all and avoid greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy and energy...

ForestTalk | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

AbitibiBowater announced today that it will change the company name to Resolute Forest Products as of November 7, 2011.

AIPPNET | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Ecuador’s participation in the global carbon market has generated complications in indigenous peoples and Afro-Ecuadorian communities, which have not only seen cutbacks in their rights to use land for ancestral activities, but whose organizations have also undergone fracturing due to the government...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Forestry Branch of OJSC Ilim Group in Koryazhma (Arkhangelsk Oblast) has gone through audit verifying the compliance with the FSC Forest Management requirements. No significant incompliances with the international standards have been identified during the audit which was carried out by GFA (...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

The Ulu Masen project was developed by the Provincial Government of Aceh with the assistance of Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and the carbon brokerage firm, Carbon Conservation. On achieving the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard, the government of Aceh completed a pre-...

Environmetal Finance | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

German insurance giant Allianz has invested an undisclosed sum in Wildlife Works Carbon, a US-based developer of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

Lateline | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcast: 03/10/2011, Reporter: Suzanne Smith Each tree in the forests of the Amazon is being assessed for its price as a commodity on international carbon trading markets.


by Dr. Radut