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Rights and Resources | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

In the last decade, countries have committed major resources to reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). A debate continues on how REDD financing should include related activities, such as the enhancement of carbon stocks through...

Post Zambia | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

“ZAMBIA has approximately 50 million hectares of forest, with an estimated deforestation rate of 250,000 to 300,000 hectares per year.” This is according to the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+)....

Forbes | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Looking for a 270% return on investment over the next five years? Emergent Asset Management, a London hedge and private equity fund, says it has the perfect investment vehicle for you. Farmland in sub-Saharan Africa. (You’ll need €5 million to throw in if you’re an institution and €500,000 if  you’...

Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

President Bharrat Jagdeo continues to fret about the non-release of the Norway climate funds, and has decided to push ahead with the project to give Amerindians electricity using funds from the treasury. The solar panel project, which President Jagdeo yesterday said would cost US$2.5 million, was...

My Net News | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Government as part of its continued efforts to pursue the protection of its rainforest and to address issues relating to illegal activities within, inclusive of illegal gold mining united with Suriname and French Guiana to host a workshop. The workshop which saw various enforcement bodies being...

Environmental Finance | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

How can finance be mobilised to protect the world’s rainforests, in a climate of extreme policy uncertainty? Environmental Finance and Irbaris convened a panel of experts to try to find out. Mark Nicholls reports

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Indigenous people like Uganda’s Bunyoro-Kitara tend to take good care of their land – and to lose big when someone else finds natural resources on it.  Payments for ecosystem services (PES) offer a way to profit from good stewardship, but only if governments keep things clean.  Unfortunately, that’...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo has raised the issue of undisbursed climate change funds with Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos and Andris Piebalgs, the European Commissioner from Latvia, both of whom attended the 32nd CARICOM Heads of Government Conference in Basseterre, St. Kitts.

Survival International | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The UN’s flagship business initiative is being used as a tool to mask human rights abuses, according to Ayoreo Indians in Paraguay. Leaders of the tribe, some of whose members are still uncontacted, have written to the UN Global Compact saying they are ‘concerned and frustrated’ by the inclusion in...

International ForestIndustries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

New tools and the latest decision support technology for forest fire management will be timely for the first of 14 BNZ Tech Clinics at New Zealand Forest Industries 2011 in Rotorua in September. With predictions of a warm winter, September will see the summer fire season approaching, along with...

International ForestIndustries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

China’s total wood demand is anticipated to keep growing from 250 million m3 in 2010 to 350 million m3 by 2015 (a conservative projected growth rate of 8% per year), possibly moving as high as 450 million m3 by 2020.

RISI | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

SEATTLE, WA, Jul. 18, 2011 (RISI) - One of the most useful sources of information on the development of planted forests in Brazil is the Annual Statistical Yearbook published by ABRAF, the Brazilian Association of Plantation Forest Producers. The 2011 report highlights a number of key trends in the...

Fordaq | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

California-based Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) announced that they will be setting up an office in Jakarta in direct response to an increasing demand for verification and certification services from the Indonesian timber industry. PT Scientific Certification Systems Indonesia (PT-SCS),...

Press It | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

As the demand ethical, socially responsible investments continues to increase, GreenWorld BVI has responded by bringing a carbon credits investment offering to the retail market. GreenWorld BVI’s carbon credit investment focuses on a 50,000 hectare project in the West African nation of Sierra Leone...

Climate Connect | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Two more REDD projects are to be launched in Vietnam after the successful completion of examination phase of a REDD project in the National Park Bach Ma, Vietnam. The projects are being implemented by, Vietnam Carbon Exchange Limited (VEC) and its partner Voluntary Credits Limited (VCL-Australia).

The Sydney Morning Herald | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Peru's jungle city of Iquitos - first established on the myth of a land of lost gold and once a mecca for 19th century rubber barons - has long been frequented by profiteers. The Spanish built the city as an outpost to look for El Dorado, a fabled land of gold. At the turn of the last century, the...

Online PR News | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The Funds will invest in agricultural, renewable energy plantations and forestry businesses, with a fundamental principal of owning the core assets through the funds with the management of all operations carried out by established operators in the region.

Renewable Energy World | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Dogwood Alliance, an organization focused on protecting Southern forests, called on utility companies, investors, and federal, state, and local governments to halt the further expansion of large-scale bioenergy projects, including burning whole trees in existing coal-fired power plants while the...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Push aside dated notions of Canada’s forest sector as dominated by lumberjacks focused solely on logging trees and processing the wood. Today’s forest sector is high-tech, with employees skilled in biochemistry, genetics, computer modelling, satellite imagery, and digital processing writes Chadwick...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The Nebraska Forest Service has funds available to help interested institutions determine whether they are candidates for conversion to woody biomass energy. Funded through a U.S. Forest Service Redesign Grant, the funds are available to cover up to half the cost of woody biomass feasibility...


by Dr. Radut