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Online PR News | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The Funds will invest in agricultural, renewable energy plantations and forestry businesses, with a fundamental principal of owning the core assets through the funds with the management of all operations carried out by established operators in the region.

Renewable Energy World | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Dogwood Alliance, an organization focused on protecting Southern forests, called on utility companies, investors, and federal, state, and local governments to halt the further expansion of large-scale bioenergy projects, including burning whole trees in existing coal-fired power plants while the...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Push aside dated notions of Canada’s forest sector as dominated by lumberjacks focused solely on logging trees and processing the wood. Today’s forest sector is high-tech, with employees skilled in biochemistry, genetics, computer modelling, satellite imagery, and digital processing writes Chadwick...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The Nebraska Forest Service has funds available to help interested institutions determine whether they are candidates for conversion to woody biomass energy. Funded through a U.S. Forest Service Redesign Grant, the funds are available to cover up to half the cost of woody biomass feasibility...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

St. Petersburg, Russia - Jul 21, 2011 - Over the first six months of 2011 the Branches of Ilim Group in Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk have produced 738,000 tons of pulp and paper products, which is 3% more as compared to the same period of the previous year. This includes 623,000 tons of market pulp. This...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

BOGOR, Indonesia (18 July, 2011)_High income households are responsible for 30 percent more deforestation than low income households, according to preliminary results from the Poverty and Environment Network’s (PEN) global study, suggesting that it is wealth, not poverty that is driving higher...

Eurasia Review | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

A string of recent events indicates that Amazonian deforestation and violence against environmental activists are on the rise. The Brazilian Congress’s lower house approves a bill that weakens protection of the rainforest—which may explain the drastic increase in deforestation, as land clearers...

MSNBC | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

In a twist, a new study suggests that regularly logging forests can quadruple the amount of carbon dioxide soaked up from the atmosphere. The trick is to use the harvested wood in place of steel and concrete during the construction of new homes and buildings and replant the forest with fast-growing...

ICTSD | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Forests provide vital resources to humanity, both directly in the form of timber and non-timber products and indirectly in the form of ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon storage, and soil and watershed management. But pressure on forests has increased dramatically in recent decades,...

IPS | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

SESAOT, Indonesia, Jul 21, 2011 (IPS) - Barbecue fires along the winding trail through the Sesaot forest reserve act as guides for delegates walking to an international forestry conference at a nearby beach resort. The delicate aroma of skewered dices of meat roasting over open fires wafts over...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The National Fire Protection Association in the United States, has a Firewise Communities program that encourages local solutions for wildfire safety by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, firefighters, and others in the effort to protect people and property from wildfire...

Times of India | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

MUMBAI: According to the Union environment ministry, there are 6.5 million hectares of plantations outside the recorded forest area, which primarily includes native plant species mixed with others. The ministry also says certain forest areas have been diverted (with native forests) for nonforestry...

CBC | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Trade figures show the value of softwood lumber exported to China has surpassed the U.S. for the first time, sending powerful signals about the importance of the Asia-Pacific markets for B.C.'s economy and job prospects. "China has become our most important market for lumber," said Pat Bell, the...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

“Forest Carbon projects are not quick and easy, and they are not cheap“, say private sector forest carbon project developers across Asia. How has the private sector engaged across the region? What have been the main challenges in different countries? What lessons have been learnt?

UEA | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A public debate about the potential for emerging conservation initiatives to make international forestry fairer for local communities in developing countries will take place at UEA London on 20 July.

Bloomberg | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Deforestation rates in the Amazon, the world’s biggest rain forest, more than doubled in May as Brazilian farmers become more confident they’ll be granted amnesty for illegal logging. Almost 268 square kilometers (66,200 acres) of protected rain forest were cut down in May, up from 110 square...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Delegates meeting at the 16th UN Climate Change Conference held in Cancún, in December 2010, agreed on a framework for addressing the essential elements needed for comprehensive international action on climate change – the Cancún Agreements. Within this overall framework are measures that relate to...

Green Biz | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

he Environmental Paper Network (EPN) publishes the State of the Industry Report as a resource for policy-makers, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), the paper industry, large volume paper purchasers and other stakeholders to monitor key indicators of environmental sustainability in the North...

Google News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

ARIS — Forests play a larger role in Earth's climate system than previously suspected for both the risks from deforestation and the potential gains from regrowth, a benchmark study released Thursday has shown. The study, published in Science, provides the most accurate measure so far of the amount...

VCS | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

New methodology developed by Brazil's Sustainable Amazonas Foundation & World Bank's BioCarbon Fund An important new methodology to quantify the greenhouse gas benefits of activities that reduce unplanned deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has been approved for use under the VCS...


by Dr. Radut