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PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

St. Petersburg, Russia, Jul 11, 2011 - Ilim Group is completing the second stage of the Rebuild of Facilities for Preparation, Storage, and Feeding Wood and Bark Waste for Incineration project launched last year. The total cost of the work under the project exceeds RUR 310 million.

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The sawmill at Kitwanga was officially reopened Friday under new owners, marking the return of lumber production to the province’s Northwest after a two and a half year absence reports Vancouver Sun. The new sawmill is the only sawmill operating west of Smithers, a region of the province which once...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The National Fire Protection Association in the United States, has a Firewise Communities program that encourages local solutions for wildfire safety by involving homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, firefighters, and others in the effort to protect people and property from wildfire...

Engineering News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The listing of Mpact, previously called Mondi Packaging South Africa (MPSA), on the JSE would enable the packaging company to take further advantage of growth opportunities, CEO Bruce Strong said on Monday. Shares in Mpact started trading at R16 apiece when the market opened in Johannesburg, but...

Sunday Times | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Precise decision-making, safety and comfort are essential terms in modern day life and those would greatly be contributed by natural rubber. It decides the birth, provides a shield against deadly diseases and also joy in the life. Rubber cultivation protects the environment safeguarding the rights...

Times of India | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

MUMBAI: According to the Union environment ministry, there are 6.5 million hectares of plantations outside the recorded forest area, which primarily includes native plant species mixed with others. The ministry also says certain forest areas have been diverted (with native forests) for nonforestry...

CBC | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Trade figures show the value of softwood lumber exported to China has surpassed the U.S. for the first time, sending powerful signals about the importance of the Asia-Pacific markets for B.C.'s economy and job prospects. "China has become our most important market for lumber," said Pat Bell, the...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

“Forest Carbon projects are not quick and easy, and they are not cheap“, say private sector forest carbon project developers across Asia. How has the private sector engaged across the region? What have been the main challenges in different countries? What lessons have been learnt?

UEA | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A public debate about the potential for emerging conservation initiatives to make international forestry fairer for local communities in developing countries will take place at UEA London on 20 July.

Bloomberg | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Deforestation rates in the Amazon, the world’s biggest rain forest, more than doubled in May as Brazilian farmers become more confident they’ll be granted amnesty for illegal logging. Almost 268 square kilometers (66,200 acres) of protected rain forest were cut down in May, up from 110 square...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Delegates meeting at the 16th UN Climate Change Conference held in Cancún, in December 2010, agreed on a framework for addressing the essential elements needed for comprehensive international action on climate change – the Cancún Agreements. Within this overall framework are measures that relate to...

Green Biz | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

he Environmental Paper Network (EPN) publishes the State of the Industry Report as a resource for policy-makers, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), the paper industry, large volume paper purchasers and other stakeholders to monitor key indicators of environmental sustainability in the North...

Google News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

ARIS — Forests play a larger role in Earth's climate system than previously suspected for both the risks from deforestation and the potential gains from regrowth, a benchmark study released Thursday has shown. The study, published in Science, provides the most accurate measure so far of the amount...

Tropenbos | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

nvestments in forestry have many desirable features. Under certain conditions, forestry investments yield attractive returns to investors and can contribute substantially to the economic, social and environmental development of countries. Environmentally and socially conscious investors are...

VCS | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

New methodology developed by Brazil's Sustainable Amazonas Foundation & World Bank's BioCarbon Fund An important new methodology to quantify the greenhouse gas benefits of activities that reduce unplanned deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has been approved for use under the VCS...

NCGuyana | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Reforming forest tenure systems and securing forest ownership rights can significantly improve peoples’ livelihoods and enable them to gain income from forest products says a new United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) report . The FAO’s chief policy officer Eva Muller says the...

IISD | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

1 July 2011: The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) approved US$444 million in grants and near-zero-interest loans to support five nation-wide strategic programmes for climate resilience in Cambodia, Mozambique, Nepal, St.

FAO | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or...

World Agroforestry | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The proposed forest-carbon development project in the Arakan Forest Corridor initially was planned to participate in the carbon market under the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism afforestation/reforestation component, with a total area of 3000 ha. Currently, the proponent is exploring...

Nicholas Institute | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A wide variety of incentive programs and markets have arisen to pay landowners for ecosystem services--the benefits that healthy ecosystems provide, such as water filtration, biodiversity, habitat protection, and carbon sequestration.


by Dr. Radut