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NCN Guyana | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Former St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Sir James Mitchell renewed his acquaintance with President Bharrat Jagdeo during a courtesy visit today. He was accompanied by a team of investors in sustainable forestry, interested in Guyana. The team from the F.T.I Timber Growth Fund Limited, a...

Mongabay | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Indonesia's forests were cleared at a rate of 1.5 million hectares per year between 2000 and 2009, reports a new satellite-based assessment by Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), an NGO. Expansion of oil palm and wood-pulp plantations were the biggest drivers of deforestation, yet account for a declining...

Climatico Analysis | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

In recent years the transfer of climate finance has emerged as a policy response to equitably addressing climate change mitigation and adaption in developing countries. Much attention has been given to setting up the multilateral or bilateral mechanisms needed to classify, transfer and disburse the...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Helsinki, Finland, Jul 28, 2011 - All the necessary approvals concerning the sales of UPM’s Russian logging company ZAO Tikhvinsky Komplexny Lespromkhoz to International Paper have been obtained and the transaction has been closed. The sales of Tikhvinsky KLP to International Paper was announced on...

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

A Host Country Agreement has been signed by the Kingdom of Spain and the European Forest Institute. The agreement was signed yesterday by Cristina Garmendia Mendizabal, Minister for Science and Innovation of Spain and Risto Päivinen, Director of EFI. EFI will have privileges and immunities of an...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Helsinki, Finland, Jul 28, 2011 - Stora Enso has completed the acquisition of 51% of the Chinese packaging company Inpac International as announced on 27 October 2010. The enterprise value of the company is EUR 80 million. Stora Enso will also purchase the production plant site and buildings at...

TFT | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

A recent Global Witness report on WWF’s GFTN programme has in particular targeted Malaysian company Ta Ann. This company has replied with a statement refuting the allegations and claiming the legality and origin of its timber had been verified by TFT.

The Vancouver Sun | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

In its bid to become a "carbon neutral" government and North American climate change leader, the B.C. government has required that all government institutions, including cash-strapped school boards and health authorities, report their energy consumption and "offset" any greenhouse gas emissions by...

The Globe & Mail | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Each year in British Columbia about 16,000 hectares of forest are sprayed with a herbicide that contains glyphosate. It is one of the most popular weed killers in the world, according to the manufacturer, Monsanto. But using it in B.C.’s forests appears to be a mistake on several levels, and...

Climate Connect | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Japan has brought about changes in its Forests and Forestry Basic Plan under Forests Act (1964) with specific focus on carbon sequestration. A press release by the Ministry of Environment stated that the revision shave been made keeping in mind the diverse demands that forests are expected to meet...

Centre for Social and Economic Research | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Current plans to mitigate deforestation could adversely affect rural poor New research shows that international plans to pay developing countries to reduce tropical forest destruction may increase rural poverty because critical income streams to rural people have been ignored.

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Obtala Resources Limited (AIM:OBT), the natural resource investment and development company, today announces that it has concluded a Share Purchase Agreement (”SPA”) to acquire a private Mozambique registered company (”Acquisition”). The vendor holds a forestry concession in north-east Mozambique,...

Global Witness | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Eine neue Untersuchung von Global Witness deckt auf, dass das Aushängeprojekt des WWF zur Förderung nachhaltiger Holzgewinnung – das sogenannte Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN) – Unternehmen gestattet, aus den Vorteilen einer Zusammenarbeit mit WWF und seinem ikonischen Panda-Symbol zu...

Guardian | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Reading Global Witness' report this week on how WWF let timber companies use its panda brand logo while they were razing some of the world's most biologically rich rainforests, I was reminded of a trip I took to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2007.

Climate-I | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The World Bank approved a US$13 million project from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to strengthen the capacities of the Congo Basin countries on issues related to REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable...

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The final report of the Support study for development of the non-legislative acts provided for in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market (often referred to as the EUTR Support Study)...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The rapid development of China’s paper industries is highlighted in the latest edition of the ‘Paper Contract with China Report’ from APP-China. The emergence of high-growth paper companies in the developing countries of Asia, and particularly in China, is redefining the global pulp and paper...

The World Bank | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

A new methodology for quantifying emission reductions from projects that reduce unplanned deforestation could help unlock carbon market revenues for countries and poor communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America, boosting the conservation of forests and creating new livelihoods.

Survival International | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

A Survival investigation has uncovered alarming evidence that some of Ethiopia’s most productive farmland is being stolen from local tribes and leased to foreign companies to grow and export food – while thousands of its citizens starve during the devastating drought. Vast blocks of fertile land in...


by Dr. Radut