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News Costa Rica | 11 years 11 months ago

Thick cloudy skies subdued the sunlight on an autumnal day in Paris. That did not stop the group of representatives from the public and private sector attending the 5th Carbon Fund Meeting of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) from making a decision that is a major milestone. Costa Rica...

PrWEB | 11 years 11 months ago

Carbon Offsets To Alleviate Poverty (COTAP.org) today announced its partnership with the William J. Clinton Foundation, adding the Clinton Development Initiative’s (CDI) Trees of Hope project in Malawi as the fourth project to its growing portfolio of certified forestry carbon projects. Through...

Envrionmental Research Web | 11 years 11 months ago

To date, most estimates of the carbon emissions resulting from tropical deforestation have used data on changes in forest area and timber harvesting submitted to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, figures submitted to the FAO can be unreliable and the carbon cycle "bookkeeping...

Sydney Morning Herald | 11 years 11 months ago

United Nations Certified Emission Reductions dropped to their lowest ever as German power for 2013 fell to a record amid Europe’s continued debt crisis. CERs for 2012 decreased 12 per cent to close at 1.46 euros ($1.82) a metric ton on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London. European Union...

MarketWatch | 11 years 11 months ago

The Oddar Meanchey REDD+ project in Cambodia has achieved successful dual validation under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard. This is the first community-based mosaic REDD+ project in Asia achieve VCS registration and CCB Gold validation, and...

Business Green | 11 years 11 months ago

UN carbon credits could be worth just 50 euro cents by the end of the decade due to a huge oversupply of allowances, hitting investment in its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), analysts Thomson Reuters Point Carbon warned yesterday.

PointCarbon | 11 years 11 months ago

The U.N. has issued carbon credits to a reforestation project in Ethiopia, the second time tree planting has received emission reductions. The project in the village of Humbo, Ethiopia, which was approved by the U.N. almost three years ago, was last Friday awarded 73,000 carbon credits under the...

Forest Carbon Asia | 11 years 11 months ago

A country needs assessment on REDD+ was commissioned by the UN-REDD Programme following a decision of its Policy Board that such an assessment be conducted to enable it to review its policies and align the Programme’s support with the priority needs of countries. In the process, the FCPF of the...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 1 day ago

Voluntary carbon credits, once castigated as the black sheep of the global emissions markets, are now worth double U.N.-backed units as demand from corporate buyers seeking more than mere emission cuts from their investment has increased. Please click here to read the original news item.

MSU | 12 years 1 day ago

Researchers at Michigan State University will use a $1.5 million grant to help India manage its forests and reduce the developing nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. The grant, awarded by USAID, is part of an overall $14 million effort to build the nation’s capacity to measure forest carbon and...

Business Green | 12 years 1 week ago

The giant surplus of carbon credits currently swamping the global carbon market may never recede, removing any hope of reducing global emissions without a significant increase in national emission reduction targets, campaigners will warn today. Countries signed up to legally-binding emissions...

Times of India | 12 years 1 week ago

Project developer Finite Carbon announced Wednesday it has registered a project that has issued 200,000 offsets eligible for use in California's cap-and-trade system, bolstering the currently short supply of credits available in the forthcoming market. The project, which is located on 19,118 acres...

Business Spectator | 12 years 4 weeks ago

Origin Energy has quit $133 million worth of options for forestry projects in Australia amid fears that the price of carbon will plunge, according to The Australian Financial Review. The federal government's move to abandon plans for a carbon price floor threatens to make it cheaper for carbon...

MarketWatch | 12 years 4 weeks ago

SCS Global Services has verified the Brazilian Boa Vista Afforestation/Reforestation carbon offset project under the American Carbon Registry (ACR) Standard. The project sequesters greenhouse gases (GHG) by planting and managing fast-growing Acacia mangium Willd. trees in plantations over more than...

Rainforest Foundation Norway | 12 years 4 weeks ago

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) was agreed at the UNFCCC as part of the 2010 Cancun Agreements, with an objective to ‘slow, halt and reverse forest cover and carbon loss’. Many aspects, in particular what determines results for REDD+ and how they will be...

Reuters | 12 years 4 weeks ago

(Reuters Point Carbon) - More than 130 of the world's poorest nations have sought to pressure richer countries to agree new legally-binding goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions by threatening to deny them access to cheap U.N. carbon credits, potentially making it more expensive for them to meet...

Reuters | 12 years 1 month ago

(Reuters) - Forest and farmland together cover more than three quarters of EU territory, but their role in capturing and releasing carbon emissions is not fully documented. Proposals to tighten the way emissions from agricultural and forest land are calculated will be debated over the coming months...


by Dr. Radut