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REDD-Earth | 13 years 21 hours ago

Today, I am very pleased to welcome Ingvild Andersen as a contributor to REDD+ EARTH! Currently, Ingvild is a MA Candidate in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo, where she is part of a group of students researching the social impacts of schemes to Reduce Emissions from...

13 years 21 hours ago

6 March 2012: The World Bank has published a new report by the BioCarbon Fund detailing the experience in over 20 afforestation and reforestation (A/R) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) forest projects in 16 countries since 2004, with the aim of enhancing knowledge on regulatory issues and policy...

EAEM | 13 years 3 days ago

Voluntary carbon offset schemes using forest plantations are being increasingly used by governments and states despite an increase in drought and disease affecting forests that raises concerns about their reliability. A new survey of 15 national and sub-national government agencies around the world...

Forest Carbon Asia | 13 years 2 days ago

It created waves of headlines around the world when the Munduruku, an indigenous nation of approximately 13,000 living in the state of Para, Brazil, signed a carbon credit sales contract (REDD) with Celestial Green Ventures. One of the chiefs, Osmarino Manhoari Munduruku, who lives in one of the...

FarmOnline | 13 years 3 days ago

THE United Nations has thrown its support behind soil carbon, but Australian attempts to create a market mechanism to reward the building of soil carbon reserves are still mired in complexity. The United Nations Environment Program's (UNEP) 2012 yearbook stated building the world's soil carbon...

Chonsun | 13 years 3 days ago

Korea plans to receive 100 million tons of carbon emission credits over the next decade in return for planting trees on a 200,000-hectare plot of land in Indonesia. That amount of credits would normally cost W2.2 trillion (US$1=W1,116), or $20 per ton, but Korea will save more than W1 trillion...

13 years 3 days ago

China is looking at ways to include forest carbon projects in its planned emissions trading scheme (ETS), according to a senior official, a move which would boost supply of lower-cost offsets for the country’s biggest emitters.

Planet ARK | 13 years 3 days ago

A growing number of national and regional governments are likely to use voluntary carbon credits to meet mandatory climate targets, a report by U.S. research company Ecosystem Marketplace said on Thursday. The report said about 20 government programs had engaged with the voluntary carbon market,...

Forest Carbon Asia | 13 years 2 weeks ago

The World Bank yesterday launched a new report by the BioCarbon Fund entitled “The BioCarbon Fund Experience: Insights from Afforestation / Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism Projects”. 

Global Nature | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Tropical forest protection projects - a contribution to climate protection? The goal of the new joint project of OroVerde and the Global Nature is to ensure that projects related to climate protection in tropical countries observe the rights and interests of local communities and that attention...

Reuters | 13 years 2 weeks ago

BRUSSELS, Feb 24 (Reuters) - The EU forestry and farming sectors will have to monitor and report from 2013 changes to land use that could affect greenhouse gas emissions, as part of the bloc's measures to curb climate change, under a draft law seen by Reuters. The proposal, expected to be published...

Chosunilbo | 13 years 3 weeks ago

Korea plans to receive 100 million tons of carbon emission credits over the next decade in return for planting trees on a 200,000-hectare plot of land in Indonesia. That amount of credits would normally cost W2.2 trillion (US$1=W1,116), or $20 per ton, but Korea will save more than W1 trillion...

Planet ARK | 13 years 3 weeks ago

A growing number of national and regional governments are likely to use voluntary carbon credits to meet mandatory climate targets, a report by U.S. research company Ecosystem Marketplace said on Thursday. The report said about 20 government programs had engaged with the voluntary carbon market,...

13 years 4 weeks ago

Zimbabwe’s first REDD+ project has been successfully registered with the Community, Climate, and Biodiversity Standard at the Gold level. The project, developed by South Pole Carbon and Carbon Green Africa, is currently undergoing validation under the Verified Carbon Standard. It will cover 800,000...

Bloomberg | 13 years 4 weeks ago

Bunge Ltd. (BG), the world’s second- largest oilseed processor, won approval to acquire Climate Change Capital, a London fund manager that manages the world’s largest private-sector carbon fund, after C02 prices slumped to a record. The deal is expected to close in the coming weeks after being...

Reuters | 13 years 4 weeks ago

(Reuters)- South Africa is looking to introduce a carbon tax next year to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions, although nearly two-thirds of emissions will be tax-exempt until 2020 to lessen the impact on industry, the treasury said on Wednesday. In its 2012/13 budget, the treasury proposed a...

Mongabay | 13 years 1 month ago

Now that California's carbon market has arrived, an Australian-based company that specializes in forest carbon offsets has jump started two forest projects with private landowners in the western U.S. The new company, Forest Carbon Partners, will make the projects available as carbon offsets for...

Capital Press | 13 years 1 month ago

ANDERSON, Calif. - Forestry's recognition as a carbon-friendly industry could provide lucrative opportunities for timberland owners in the emerging world of carbon credits. However, uncertainties in California's upcoming cap-and-trade regulations could make it costly and risky for companies to sign...

World Bank | 13 years 1 month ago

What does climate finance really mean? Do we mean dedicated funds mobilized by donors in the carbon market, or do we mean funds actually used for mitigation and adaptation action? Definitions and publications abound, but the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) has now taken the bull by the horns and...

OffsetBlog | 13 years 1 month ago

ClearSky Climate Solutions, CEO, Keegan Eisenstadt was on the ground in Durban for the UNFCCC 17th Conference of the Parties. He was present for what was an incredibly busy couple of weeks. Participating in a schedule filled with formal negotiations, technical side events, meetings with government...


by Dr. Radut