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Online PR News | 13 years 4 days ago

The Funds will invest in agricultural, renewable energy plantations and forestry businesses, with a fundamental principal of owning the core assets through the funds with the management of all operations carried out by established operators in the region.

Press It | 13 years 4 days ago

As the demand ethical, socially responsible investments continues to increase, GreenWorld BVI has responded by bringing a carbon credits investment offering to the retail market. GreenWorld BVI’s carbon credit investment focuses on a 50,000 hectare project in the West African nation of Sierra Leone...

Climate Connect | 13 years 4 days ago

Two more REDD projects are to be launched in Vietnam after the successful completion of examination phase of a REDD project in the National Park Bach Ma, Vietnam. The projects are being implemented by, Vietnam Carbon Exchange Limited (VEC) and its partner Voluntary Credits Limited (VCL-Australia).

The Sydney Morning Herald | 13 years 4 days ago

Peru's jungle city of Iquitos - first established on the myth of a land of lost gold and once a mecca for 19th century rubber barons - has long been frequented by profiteers. The Spanish built the city as an outpost to look for El Dorado, a fabled land of gold. At the turn of the last century, the...

The Himalayan Times | 13 years 4 days ago

KATHMANDU: Sita KC with a team of field researchers and community forest users group of Dolakha has hiked through dense forests in Dolakha. Guided by the team of forest rangers and other experts, KC and representatives of different community forests in Dolakha have spent days in Charnawati...

13 years 1 week ago

The workshop to determine land eligibility for project development under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of UNFCCC and Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) will be held at the Park Hotel, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India on August 11, 2011. Link to the Company...

Google News | 13 years 1 week ago

ARIS — Forests play a larger role in Earth's climate system than previously suspected for both the risks from deforestation and the potential gains from regrowth, a benchmark study released Thursday has shown. The study, published in Science, provides the most accurate measure so far of the amount...

VCS | 13 years 1 week ago

New methodology developed by Brazil's Sustainable Amazonas Foundation & World Bank's BioCarbon Fund An important new methodology to quantify the greenhouse gas benefits of activities that reduce unplanned deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has been approved for use under the VCS...

World Agroforestry | 13 years 1 week ago

The proposed forest-carbon development project in the Arakan Forest Corridor initially was planned to participate in the carbon market under the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism afforestation/reforestation component, with a total area of 3000 ha. Currently, the proponent is exploring...

ORF | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Yude Pan, Richard A. Birdsey, Jingyun Fang, Richard Houghton, Pekka E. Kauppi, Werner A. Kurz, Oliver L. Phillips, Anatoly Shvidenko, Simon L. Lewis, Josep G. Canadell, Philippe Ciais, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen Pacala, A. David McGuire, Shilong Piao, Aapo Rautiainen, Stephen Sitch, Daniel Hayes....

The Jakarta Post | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Indigenous communities in Central Kalimantan are calling on the government to stop a pilot project to alleviate the destruction of forests amid fears that it would prompt conflicts between local communities. People living in and around forested areas in the province said they were not adequately...

ORF | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Der Wald ist ein deutlich größerer CO2-Speicher als bisher angenommen. Zwischen 1990 und 2007 hat er aktuellen Berechnungen zufolge rund ein Drittel des Kohlenstoffs, der in dieser Zeit durch die Verwendung fossiler Brennstoffe freigesetzt wurde, geschluckt.

Forest Trends | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Forest projects around the world are working to confront the practical challenges of reducing emissions and providing local benefits. To facilitate the development of forest projects, we have compiled strategic step-by–step guidance to emerging best practices.

Reuters | 13 years 2 weeks ago

(Reuters) - Australia's Macquarie Group , World Bank member the International Finance Corp and a forest management firm said on Thursday they had raised $25 million for forest carbon projects in poorer nations. The money comes on top of other funding schemes by the World Bank, United Nations and...

The Indonesian | 13 years 2 weeks ago

Theindonesiatoday.com - First Growth Funds Limited group reports its joint venture with Greencollar Group (GCS), First Growth Forests (FGFJV), has commenced the world’s first program to develop forestry carbon projects for the whole of a province in West Papua. “Developing projects at the landscape...

Point Carbon | 13 years 1 month ago

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti) said on Monday that it has begun to solicit avoided deforestation, as well as other projects aimed at reducing non-energy related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, under a bilateral offset mechanism.  

Mongabay | 13 years 1 month ago

The forest organization, FERN, has pulled its support from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), reports FSC-Watch. FERN has quit the increasingly troubled organization due to FSC pursuing carbon credits through forestry. The FSC loses FERN just weeks before its 6th General Assembly, in which FSC...

Reuters | 13 years 1 month ago

BONN, Germany, June 19 (Reuters) - "Ask for a camel when you expect to get a goat," runs a Somali saying that sums up the fading of ambitions for United Nations talks on slowing climate change -- aim high, but settle for far less. Developing nations publicly insist the rich must agree far...

SF Gate | 13 years 1 month ago

California's largest utility promises its customers green salvation through its ClimateSmart program. For every bit of energy a Pacific Gas & Electric ratepayer uses - from turning on a vacuum cleaner to powering up a computer or heating up an oven - a little part of a tree or forest is...


by Dr. Radut