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Earth times | 12 years 2 months ago

Developing countries are struggling to make a new eco forestry rewards scheme work, says a new report. Of 99 countries that signed up to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) at the UN climate change meeting, 89 have 'very large or medium' problems achieving the...

The Pakistan Observer | 12 years 2 months ago

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to bring 0.77m acres land under plantation and vegetative covers in the province next year to offset the effects of global warming and climatic change, Minister for Environment Wajid Ali Khan said on Monday. Presiding over a high level meeting here at...

CIFOR | 12 years 2 months ago

The international community needs to help developing countries increase their ability to measure and monitor the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that they save by safeguarding their forests if a UN-backed climate change mechanism known as REDD+ is to attain its objective of cutting emissions,...

LTS International | 12 years 2 months ago

REDD+ preparations have focused on terrestrial forests but recent studies show the carbon sequestration potential of mangrove forests in coastal swamps Mangroves benefit coastal communities, particularly the fishing trade. Yet few carbon certification schemes under REDD+ are open to mangrove...

Caribbean 360 | 12 years 2 months ago

Guyana has received more than a quarter of the US$250 million promised to it by the government of Norway for its part in protecting the Amazon rainforest from degradation and deforestation. This was shared by Guyana’s prime minister, Sam Hinds, as he addressed the official opening of the 13th...

IN Tech Open | 12 years 2 months ago

Given that the majority of the world’s tropical forests are located in developing countries which are generally poor, “REDD presents a  tremendous opportunity to jointly address climate change and rural poverty, while sustaining ecosystem services and conserving biodiversity” (Huberman, 2007). In...

The Tyee | 12 years 3 months ago

A leaked provincial cabinet document indicates that the provincial government is contemplating "suspending" the powers of one of its most powerful public servants in order to expedite a controversial logging program that has raised alarm bells in the professional forestry community.

The Globe and Mail | 12 years 3 months ago

Old-growth forests, wildlife corridors and other long-protected timber zones in the British Columbia Interior could be opened up to logging in order to keep mills operating, according to a cabinet document detailing a proposal under consideration by the provincial government. The document, stamped...

Forest Talk | 12 years 3 months ago

A confidential report was leaked this week indicating the British Columbia government is expecting north-central B.C. to lose 32% – 67% of its timber supply due to the mountain pine beetle epidemic without a mitigation plan.

The Tyee | 12 years 3 months ago

For more than a quarter century, logging companies at the government's blessing have been on a tear through British Columbia's expansive interior forests. In the name of "salvaging" economic value from forests attacked by mountain pine beetles, beginning with a smaller outbreak centered in the...

The Globe and Mail | 12 years 3 months ago

The full, devastating impact of the pine-beetle epidemic that has swept across British Columbia will be felt in the next few years when up to half the forest-industry jobs in the province’s interior will vanish, according to a government report meant to be confidential. The document, a briefing...

Vancouver Sun | 12 years 3 months ago

The B.C. government is holding talks with the forest industry over ways to supply more timber to beetle-hit Interior sawmills, including the option of opening forest reserves that have until now been out of bounds to loggers.

RISI | 12 years 3 months ago

In March 2013 the European Union will start enforcing a new timber regulation that is designed to prevent illegally logged wood, and products made from illegally logged wood, from entering into the EU. The EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) will include pulp, paper and paper products as described under...

VCS | 12 years 3 months ago

As part of our ongoing work to ensure all program elements meet or exceed evolving best practice, VCS has determined that several methodologies require minor revisions to conform with latest VCS requirements on standardized methods and the timing of crediting from select carbon pools. These...

Mongabay | 12 years 3 months ago

Indigenous populations in the Amazon successfully farmed without the use of fire before the arrival of Europeans, demonstrating a potentially sustainable approach to land management in a region that is increasingly vulnerable to man-made fires.

ForestCarbon Asia | 12 years 3 months ago

TerraCarbon has issued its January 2012 edition of the Forest Carbon Market Update.  Highlights include a look at global carbon prices and twelve market developments to look for in 2012. The Forest Carbon Market Update is provided to TerraCarbon’s clients, partners, and colleagues each quarter and...

IPS | 12 years 3 months ago

In 2002, 85 percent of the planet’s forests were owned by governments. By 2008, that share had fallen to 70 percent, according to the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), a Washington, D.C.-based coalition of 14 groups that works with 120 organisations in 16 countries around the world to promote...

Forest Talk | 12 years 3 months ago

British Columbia released its Forest Sector Strategy today. Titled “Our Natural Advantage, Forest Sector Strategy for British Columbia”, the strategy aims to build upon the report of the Working Roundtable on Forestry to support a more vibrant sector that supports employment in every part of the...

NewsWire CA | 12 years 3 months ago

Chinese hardwood chip imports will double from 6.3 million Bone Dry Metric Tons (BDMT) in 2011, to 12.7 million BDMT in 2016. Japan's imports of hardwood chips will drop from 9.9 million BDMT to 8.6 million BDMT in the same period, the lowest volume of imports since 1993. This is the forecast...

REDD Standards | 12 years 3 months ago

REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards launched its public consultation on draft ‘Guidelines for the use of REDD+ SES at country level Version 2′ from 5th April until 4th June 2012. Drawing on emerging experience from countries using REDD+ SES, the existing ‘Guidelines on the Interpretation and...


by Dr. Radut