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Huffington Post | 12 years 7 months ago

Just three years ago, the manmade fires here were so fierce smoke would blot out the Amazon sky, turning the days dark. Towering rainforest trees exploded in flames, their canopies cleared to let pasture grow for cattle. The ash that snowed down onto this jungle town was shin-deep. Dirty layers hid...

CIFOR | 12 years 7 months ago

Financial support for REDD+ projects to safeguard forests in developing countries is increasing with new countries pledging to get involved and existing donors stepping up their commitments, a World Bank official said.

UN-REDD | 12 years 7 months ago

The UN-REDD Programme is pleased to share the following press release in support of the Joint Declaration of Intent for REDD+ in the Congo Basin made today (7 December) at COP17 in Durban, South Africa. Read the press release in English and French. Here’s a brief summary of the Declaration:

Friends of Earth | 12 years 7 months ago

Commenting on the UN climate talks which ended today in Durban, South Africa, Sarah-Jayne Clifton, Climate Justice Coordinator of Friends of the Earth International said: “Ordinary people have once again been let down by our governments. Led by the US, developed nations have reneged on their...

UN | 12 years 7 months ago

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called today for increased support from Member States for a United Nations initiative to slow, halt and reverse deforestation, and help developing countries manage their forests in a sustainable manner.

Reuters | 12 years 7 months ago

(Reuters) - Private investors may be allowed to earn carbon credits by paying poor countries to halt the destruction of tropical forests, but a U.N. climate summit failed to agree the details needed to get the ambitious program off the ground.

UN-REDD | 12 years 7 months ago

The event entitled, “Social safeguards: Protecting the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples and forest-dependent communities in REDD+” was held during Forest Day 5 (FD5), on 4 December 2011 to coincide with the UNFCCC’s COP17 in Durban, South Africa.  The Discussion Forum looked at past...

Equity Watch | 12 years 7 months ago

Durban, December 9: Following is the text of the minister's speech: Indaba Session:December 10, 2011 – 1800 hrs Remarks by Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan, Hon’ble Minister for Environment & Forests

Reuters | 12 years 7 months ago

(Reuters) - Climate negotiators agreed a pact on Sunday that would for the first time force all the biggest polluters to take action on greenhouse gas emissions, but critics said the action plan was not aggressive enough to slow the pace of global warming.

Market Watch | 12 years 7 months ago

SAN FRANCISCO and DURBAN, South Africa, Nov. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Wildlife Works announced today the launch of CODE REDD, an emergency action campaign to save the world's wild forests using private sector financing within the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 7 months ago

REDD+ type projects to protect rainforests face many obstacles but we should not give up on market-based solutions, says Ben Caldecott from the investment bank Climate Change Capital.

Korea Times | 12 years 7 months ago

Korea will try to successfully launch the first Asian international agency by 2013 proposed by the country, the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) to be based in Seoul. The Korea Forest Service (KFS) said Monday that the country will put forth its best efforts to realize its agreement...

ODI | 12 years 7 months ago

Delivering REDD+ finance has taken more preparatory work, capacity and tailoring than initially envisaged. Multilateral institutions financing REDD+ have made significant progress, and experience to date will inform and facilitate future implementation. Alongside this, Annex II countries are...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 7 months ago

The potential role of forests in reducing of global greenhouse gas emissions is attracting considerable interest from the international community. Deforestation and forest degradation is largely being driven by forces outside the forestry sector. Many of these forces are closely tied to agriculture...

Climate-I | 12 years 7 months ago

Climate change is one of today’s most pressing threats to achieving sustainable development goals around the world. Countries must transform their economies and angle their growth with policies and actions across multiple sectors that lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce vulnerability to climate...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 7 months ago

Organisations working with indigenous peoples living in forests say the United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) is just another way for big corporates to reap huge profits.

Foest Talk | 12 years 7 months ago

Aerial surveys show Alberta is making progress in its fight against mountain pine beetle infestations in some parts of the province.

Times of Zambia | 12 years 7 months ago

AS the Conference of Parties (Cop 17) to the United Nations (UN) framework convention on climate change progresses in the South-African town of Durban, it is important to note that Zambians too can get involved in climate change programmes at an individual level.

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 7 months ago

The objective of REDD+ in developing countries is to create incentives for the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and for the increase of carbon stocks through the enhancement, conservation and sustainable management of forests in developing countries. As part of the...

Vancouver Sun | 12 years 7 months ago

Phil Burton calls this place a jungle. It's not the tropical Amazonian rainforest or even B.C.'s temperate rainforest, but a stand of lodgepole pine located off the Pelican Forest Service Road about an hour's drive southwest of Prince George. The federal forests researcher estimates the pines were...


by Dr. Radut