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Vancouver Sun | 12 years 7 months ago

VANCOUVER - Debbie Atha had a dream that went like this: Gregarious woman approaching 30 quits her well-paying pharmaceutical sales job in England to move to the B.C. Interior to invest her time and money building a dude ranch. "I had an early midlife crisis," she allows. "I wanted to do something...

Vietnam News | 12 years 7 months ago

HA NOI — The forest management sector is planning stricter measures to fight timber trafficking following a recent spate of illegal activities. In a meeting in the capital on Tuesday, the Director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)’s Department of Forest Management, Nguyen...

Forest Talk | 12 years 7 months ago

The Vancouver Sun has been investigating salvage logging of pine forests in British Columbia. Through freedom of information requests, The Vancouver Sun has uncovered documents relating to compliance-and-enforcement action taken against logging companies in the Quesnel and Prince George forest...

FM SA | 12 years 7 months ago

Trees are Themba Radebe’s life. In 2007 he realised a dream by buying a gum tree plantation after working for forestry and packaging company Mondi for almost 20 years. Trees are Themba Radebe’s life. In 2007 he realised a dream by buying a gum tree plantation after working for forestry and...

Sierra Express Media | 12 years 7 months ago

The high-level African leaders who included the Africa Union’s Chairman Hon. Jean Ping, the head of the African Development bank Dr. Donald Kaberuka, Congo-Brazzavile’s minister for sustainable development, Hon. Henrie Jombo and South Africa’s minister for National Planning, Hon. Trevor Manuel took...

Vancouver Sun | 12 years 7 months ago

The Chilcotin's beetle-killed lodge-pole pine forests are saturated with water. The harvesting crews have been sent home. And logging trucks known as Super-B Trains, hauling 300 to 400 logs apiece, are inching their way through deep mud wallows. Tolko Industries Ltd. needs 125 loads per day to...

Ecosystem MarketPlace | 12 years 7 months ago

With the Durban talks coming to a close over the weekend, it is now time to digest the decisions, looking at what was accomplished and what still needs to be determined.

Time Magazine | 12 years 7 months ago

TIME MAGAZINE - The canoes slip away from the dock, the morning mist still clinging to Anangucocha Lake in eastern Ecuador's Yasuni National Park. The water is the ink black of old tea, the paddles vanishing beneath the surface with every stroke. The Amazon rain forest has yet to fully awaken; the...

NewsInfo | 12 years 7 months ago

To curb the encroachment of human population and disruptive economic activities into forest lands, the Department of Environment declared on Monday that no land titles would be given to areas that overlapped with or were included in proposed protected areas. Environment Secretary Ramon Paje said he...

Vancouver Sun | 12 years 7 months ago

I wish to commend The Sun and Larry Pynn for the excellent series of articles "In the Wake of a Plague." This sober second look at the issues and myths surrounding the mountain pine beetle panic is long overdue. I have lived in the Chilcotin since 1980 and seen more than one beetle out-break, and...

ForestCarbon Asia | 12 years 7 months ago

Sustainable forest management (SFM) ensures the continuous flow of wood products and employment while improving the functionalities of forests. Until recently, many projects associated with the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) projects focused only on reducing...

New Design World | 12 years 7 months ago

Washington – In a sign of strong support for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through forest conservation, Germany has committed an additional EUR 30 million to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development signed the agreement...

Vancouver Sun | 12 years 7 months ago

Watching the pine beetles kill off the Chilcotin's vast stands of lodgepole pine forest was bad enough for cattle rancher Randy Saugstad. But he argues the greater concern is the way the B.C. government has allowed salvage logging to take precedence on Crown forests at the expense of other land...

IEWY | 12 years 7 months ago

Countries across the developing world are engaging with developed country governments and the private sector to simultaneously reduce emissions from forests and fast track transitions to a low carbon, resource efficient Green Economy. These multiple benefits of Reducing Emissions from...

Uganda Radio Network | 12 years 7 months ago

Water and Environment Minister, Maria Mutagamba says she is frustrated by people she appoints to head National Forestry Authority but end up being involved in corruption scandals. Water and Environment Minister, Maria Mutagamba says she is frustrated by people she appoints to head National...

Google News | 12 years 7 months ago

MAPUTO — Foreign companies are spending billions of dollars to plant forests in Mozambique, but conservationists fear the investments aren't as good for the environment as they might initially seem. Mozambique has about 400,000 square kilometres (155,000 square miles) of largely untouched forests,...

Bernama | 12 years 7 months ago

Malaysia is still able to maintain 56.4 per cent of its total land area as forested land, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas said Monday. He described it as an encouraging achievement because many countries were not able to do so as their forest areas had...

SurfBirds | 12 years 7 months ago

As the world’s richest countries once again play brinksmanship at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Durban, Sierra Leone has embraced the vital role tropical forests play in preventing climate change by conserving its most important forest, locking up an estimated 13.6 million...

CIFOR | 12 years 7 months ago

Latest draft texts on REDD+ that will go forward to a plenary session for approval have postponed a decision on financing to next year and watered down safeguards requirements, leaving REDD+ projects in limbo and indigenous groups unprotected.

CIFOR | 12 years 7 months ago

Developed countries must commit to long-term climate financing and encourage multiple funding pathways to reassure forested countries that their “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off.


by Dr. Radut