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UNECA | 12 years 8 months ago

Deliberating REDD+ institutions and governance in Africa, Olufunso Somorin, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Wageningen University, the Netherlands Is REDD+ possible in Africa?

The Star | 12 years 8 months ago

THE FIRST tropical rainforest in the world to be certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards for sustainable forest management is in Sabah, Malaysia. Back in 1997, the certification of Deramakot Forest Reserve was progressive; moves to create Malaysia’s own national forest...

REDD Net | 12 years 8 months ago

This review paper assesses the economic, governance and technical conditions that shape forest management in tropical Latin America with particular regard to efforts to reduce forest-based carbon emissions. Provides a framework for discussions on how forest management can be improved in order to...

Sage Publications | 12 years 8 months ago

The article examines the efforts for collective action of ten village communities in the state of Orissa to manage their local forest resources from an institutional perspective. It explores the differential levels of success in the collective action efforts of these communities, and the role of...

IISTE | 12 years 8 months ago

Sustainability has been a primary concern for the forestry professionals. This paper is concerned with the continuing evolution of approaches to monitor sustainable forest management. It summarises the existing knowledge base and primary techniques and strategies for achieving socially and...

Oikocredit | 12 years 8 months ago

Oikocredit partners in Guatemala and Bolivia received awards for excellence in their operations. One successfully cares for the environment and generates jobs, while the other contributes to community development through microfinance.

Forestry UK | 12 years 8 months ago

The Government set out its standard for sustainable forest management in a new publication today (Thursday 3 November 2011).

AEN WEB | 12 years 8 months ago

Today sees the release of a new report, Sustainable Forests, Sustainable Communities: The Future of Alberta’s Southwestern Forests. Citizens and associations from communities throughout southwestern Alberta have joined together to document serious concerns with current industrial-scale logging...

AllAfrica | 12 years 8 months ago

Replacing community conservation of mangrove forests at Rufiji delta in favour of fortress conservation by the state to meet carbon trading needs will not work. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) is a climate change mitigation initiative that seeks to integrate tropical...

EFD | 12 years 8 months ago

REDD offers potentially huge financial benefits for Tanzania. According to a draft national strategy for this forest carbon trading system, based on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the country could earn $630 million a year. Yet researchers from Environment for...

Dawn | 12 years 8 months ago

KARACHI, Nov 3: A revised version of the decades-old forest act suggests critical changes in key government powers to protect what little is left of forests, including the establishment of a settlement committee to determine the status of land, measures to ensure community participation, increase...

Norway News English | 12 years 8 months ago

Audits finally conducted of Norway’s foreign aid to Tanzania revealed irregularities and corruption, but critics claim Norwegian officials reacted much too mildly. The Foreign Ministry (Utenriksdepartementet, UD) appears to have been reluctant to take up difficult questions with Tanzanian...

Eureka Alert | 12 years 8 months ago

Over the past 50 years, 60 percent of all ecosystem services have declined as a direct result of the conversion of land to the production of foods, fuels and fibers. "This should come as no surprise," say seven of the world's leading environmental scientists, who met to collectively to study the...

Economist | 12 years 8 months ago

REDUCING the risks of climate change is not a technological problem. There are many ways to generate electricity, drive cars or grow crops without emitting much carbon dioxide—but they are expensive. According to the International Energy Agency, $13.5 trillion must be invested in low-carbon energy...

ForestCarbon Asia | 12 years 8 months ago

Interpol and the U.N.’s main environmental arm are join forces to help rainforest countries prevent land grabs motivated by carbon trading, and take action against illegal logging. Please click here to read the original news item.

Timberland Blog | 12 years 8 months ago

I've had several requests for an update on issues surrounding timberland investments and transactions to date for 2011 so I am posting a chart of the transactions of which I am aware. I will also make a comment or two on conservation easements and on who is buying timberland today. The following...

Huffington Post | 12 years 8 months ago

10/24/11 - Huffington POST | Anyone looking at Brazil on the map sees a huge swath of green, which symbolizes a country that is blessed by natural resources and a true environmental power. It isn't without a price that the world can see Brazil in this way. We have ensured keeping 61% of the land...

Ghana Business News | 12 years 8 months ago

The 2010 Annual Transparency Report Card has recommended to stakeholders to lend support in ensuring transparent and accountable forest governance in the management of Ghana’s natural forest resources for present and future generations. A statement signed by Wilberforce Laate, Deputy Executive...


by Dr. Radut