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Forest Talk | 12 years 10 months ago

A new school being constructed in Fredericton, New Brunswick will be the first in the province to be heated with wood pellets. The school will be equipped with a wood pellet fired hot water boiler. The hot water boiler plant will use wood pellets as the base fuel while automatic controls will...

Guardian | 12 years 10 months ago

Forests could increasingly act as a backbone of sustainable economies. Companies that recognise this can advance their own bottom line, and help ensure that forests thrive

Mongabay | 12 years 10 months ago

A new study of Uganda's Kibale National Park refutes the conventional wisdom that parks cause poverty along their borders.

China Daily | 12 years 10 months ago

BEIJING - Like many women in Sancha, a village in the mountainous Huairou district where temperatures can reach as low as -12 C, 53-year-old Liu Xiuying is looking forward to an easier winter this year thanks to a grant that helped improve the energy efficiency of her rural suburban home.

CIFOR | 12 years 10 months ago

BOGOR, Indonesia (25 August, 2011)_Traditional means of conservation have entailed the annexation of land where human activities are strictly controlled or curtailed: so-called “fortress conservation”. There remain today strong advocates of biodiversity conservation through the establishment of...

RECOFTC | 12 years 11 months ago

Guest blogger Kenneth Chomitz, Sr. Adviser, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank shares the highlights of a new study comparing deforestation in protected vs. sustainably managed forests. 

PLosone | 12 years 11 months ago

Protected areas (PAs) cover a quarter of the tropical forest estate. Yet there is debate over the effectiveness of PAs in reducing deforestation, especially when local people have rights to use the forest. A key analytic problem is the likely placement of PAs on marginal lands with low pressure for...

BC Local News | 12 years 11 months ago

What is valued and significant and what is not? The interpretation of scenic vistas in the local area is highly subjective and difficult to interpret say two local forest industry representatives. Klaus Posselt, owner of Tahtsa Timber and Alistair Schroff, an independent forestry consultant said to...

Forest Talk | 12 years 11 months ago

The Grassy Narrows First Nation (Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek) won a major victory yesterday in their more than decade long battle to stop clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows’ traditional territory in Northwestern Ontario.

CTV | 12 years 11 months ago

When they look at a forest, most people see a source of paper, cardboard and lumber. But jet fuel? The notion may seem far-fetched, but not in the beleaguered forestry industry. Efforts to produce airplane fuel, along with environmentally friendly plastics, electricity and futuristic nano-materials...

CIFOR | 12 years 11 months ago

The long held view that adaptation and mitigation are mutually exclusive approaches for reducing the impacts of climate change has been questioned in a recent study, with the beginnings of an integrative approach in many forestry projects in Latin America showing improved outcomes at the local...

Science Daily | 12 years 11 months ago

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2011) — A new study shows that as climate change enhances tree growth in tropical forests, the resulting increase in litterfall could stimulate soil micro-organisms leading to a release of stored soil carbon. The research was led by scientists from the Centre for Ecology...

The Global Post | 12 years 11 months ago

BANGKOK, Thailand — Is your coffee table stamped “Made in Vietnam”? If so, there’s a decent chance it was once a tree in the dwindling jungles of Laos, sawn down illegally by a timber syndicate and smuggled into Vietnam for processing. Those are the findings of the London-based Environmental...

Paperindex Times | 12 years 11 months ago

Finland, Aug 15, 2011 - UPM will establish four regional jointly owned forests in Finland using about 2 000 hectares of company forests as an original asset. UPM’s jointly owned forests will be located in Western, Eastern and Central Finland as well as in Ostrobothnia next to UPM mills using...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 11 months ago

Wildlife Works Carbon LLC (WWC) is an innovative start‐up company headquartered in San Francisco, CA, USA that engages with the global carbon market to enhance conservation in tropical countries. WWC has established the world’s first and currently, only internationally VCS/CCB verified ‘Reducing...

GHG Emission Trading BLOG | 12 years 11 months ago

Back in March 2011 a Carbon Monitor reader wrote to us with the quandary of what to do with his post 1989 NZU units (those with a surrender liability for loss or harvest) suggesting if he took the funds, invested in real estate then he would be ahead even with a future liability. Here is the latest...

IB Times | 12 years 11 months ago

Wildlife Works announced today the launch of a new retail model that uses the power of Facebook to enable consumers to offset their travel, home and personal lifestyle events that contribute to global warming. The Wildlife Works Facebook store-front allows consumers to easily offset their carbon...

USAID | 12 years 11 months ago

Global climate change threatens to impact the livelihoods of millions of the poorest and most vulnerable populations in profound and unpredictable ways. In addition, society‘s responses to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions leading to climate change may provide opportunities for economic growth...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 11 months ago

Afforestation and Reforestation (AR) projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have faced various challenges, one of the key ones being the issue of ‘land eligibility’.  

German Embassy South Africa | 12 years 11 months ago

A multifaceted project to preserve one of the last of Ethiopia's native forests has been underway for the past four years with the support of Germany's International Climate Initiative and NABU, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union. The project focuses on reforestation, job creation in...


by Dr. Radut