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ALIRAN | 12 years 11 months ago

‘Custom Keepers’ in a district of Kalimantan are calling on the Indonesian president to stop a carbon-offset project in in the customary lands of the Dayak people. We, the undersigned Mantir Adat (Custom Keepers) of Kadamangan Mantangai in the District of Kapuas in Central Kalimantan, met and had...

HQ Prince George | 12 years 11 months ago

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling out B.C.'s forest industry for lagging behind developing sustainable jobs.  A new report says the province risks losing further ground on the processed wood market if efforts are not made to both renew our forests and create more long-term jobs...

Cool Earth | 12 years 11 months ago

A new paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution argues that decades of conservation actions have had a positive impact for many of the world's endangered species. Even if we have not yet turned back the tide of the current mass extinction crisis, there have been notable successes. According to the...

German Embassy South Africa | 12 years 11 months ago

A multifaceted project to preserve one of the last of Ethiopia's native forests has been underway for the past four years with the support of Germany's International Climate Initiative and NABU, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union. The project focuses on reforestation, job creation in...

The Walrus Magazine | 12 years 11 months ago

Dirk Brinkman has been selling trees since 1970, before carbon had anything to do with it. Had you met him when he founded his eponymous tree planting company, the one every student who ever spent a summer plugging saplings into the bush has heard of, you would have beheld the picture of an...

Climate-I | 12 years 11 months ago

The July newsletter of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), housed at the World Bank, highlights that its Carbon Fund has become operational. The Fund will provide payments for verified emissions reductions from programmes for REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest...

Mongabay | 12 years 11 months ago

CITATION: M.O. Anand, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Ajith Kumar, Archana Bali. Sustaining biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes in the Western Ghats: Remnant forests matter. Biological Conservation. 143 (2010) 2363–2374. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.01.013.

CIFOR | 12 years 11 months ago

The full and effective engagement of indigenous peoples and the incorporation of traditional forest knowledge in forest management strategies are crucial for REDD+ success in curbing climate change, say experts ahead of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.

EDIE | 12 years 11 months ago

In a UK first the British government has approved a carbon accreditation scheme set up to recognise business' efforts to capture and store carbon. The creation of the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) means corporations may now include details of any woodland creation schemes they operate in their...

Climate-I | 12 years 11 months ago

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approvoved the first four projects to access incentive funds available for sustainable forest management (SFM) and REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable management...

Carbon Positive | 12 years 11 months ago

Carbon Positive is involved with a number of participants in the forest carbon sector to establish a representative organisation, the International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA). The following founding stakeholders believe it is time to speak with a unified, effective voice to governments, the...

Biodiversity Science | 12 years 11 months ago

Recent studies have indicated that modern forestry methods associated with Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and certification schemes, significantly mitigate the negative effects normally associated with logging in tropical forests. Conventional selective logging can damage up to 15 times the...

SLATE | 12 years 11 months ago

SLATE: On a typically warm, muggy evening in Phnom Penh earlier this year, I asked a twentysomething British woman for directions to Titanic, a restaurant overlooking the Tonle Sap River. "Why?" she asked. "Because I heard the food was good," I said, somewhat confused. "Oh, because there's a...

The Conversation | 12 years 11 months ago

It can be hard to know whether the forest products you buy have been produced sustainably. Forestry certifications were established to give a bit more certainty, but what do they really mean? When you buy a certified product, are you necessarily helping the environment?

ZEE News | 12 years 11 months ago

New Delhi: Himachal Pradesh's efforts in fighting climate change have been rewarded with the UN registering its multi-crore carbon trading scheme that involves providing green cover to barren 4,000 hectares in the state. Under this scheme, over 5000 families from remote and backward villages will...

IISD | 12 years 11 months ago

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have released the Forest Products Annual Market Review 2010-2011, according to which consumption of forest products in the UNECE region rose by 5.6% overall in 2010, following two years of falling...

12 years 11 months ago

This report provides a number of illustrated maps giving an overview of the timber trade flows in Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam and their respective trading partners. The maps provide information on the import and export in value as well as volume (RWE). In addition, there...

12 years 11 months ago

As part of FLEGT Asia’s information collection role, a number of forest governance, markets and trade Baseline Studies have been carried out in the region. This study is done for China. Please click here to download in English Language. Keywords: International forest products markets, c. National...

12 years 11 months ago

As part of FLEGT Asia’s information collection role, a number of forest governance, markets and trade Baseline Studies have been carried out in the region. This study is done for Lao PDR. Please click here to download in English Language. Keywords: International forest products markets, c. National...

RISI | 12 years 11 months ago

BEDFORD, MA, Aug. 8, 2011 (RISI) - As European countries push forward to meet renewable energy goals of 20% by 2020, demand for imported biomass -- specifically, wood pellets -- will rise. Commercial scale pellet manufacturing is growing quickly in North America to meet this demand, especially in...


by Dr. Radut