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234 Next | 13 years 5 months ago

The British government will support Nigeria’s effort to manage her environment through reduction of carbon emission, Henry Bellingham, British minister for Africa and the United Nations, said yesterday in Abuja. Mr. Bellingham, who spoke at the ministries of environment and foreign affairs when...

Forest Talk | 13 years 5 months ago

Effective immediately, the new allowable annual cut for the Mid Coast timber supply area in British Columbia will be decreased by 23% to 767,000 cubic metres. “This new cut level reflects the creation of new conservancies and the adoption of ecosystem-based management objectives as a result of...

Tropical Forest Group | 13 years 5 months ago

It is a busy week on the Hill, between the release of President Barack Obama’s budget proposal and the debate in Congress about H.R. 1, the U.S. House of Representatives’ bill to provide funding for federal programs for the rest of the current fiscal year. Current funding for the federal...

Forest Talk | 13 years 5 months ago

A case involving what the provincial government called “unacceptable” treatment of 58 silvicultural workers will be examined by BC Forest Safety Ombudsman Roger Harris as part of a review of silviculture camp systems.

Bretton Woods Projects | 13 years 5 months ago

As record high food prices have contributed to unrest in North Africa and beyond, the World Bank's unwavering faith in markets has stirred debate about how best to address the multitude of factors underlying a global crisis in food prices. Meanwhile, World Bank president Robert Zoellick...

Compass Newspaper | 13 years 5 months ago

If tree planting programme initiated by the Federal Government is taken seriously, the way it should, Nigeria stands to generate a revenue of about N34.44 billion yearly.

CIFOR | 13 years 5 months ago

Rwanda, the most densely populated nation in Sub-Saharan Africa, has launched a national plan to reverse the current degradation of soil, land, water and forest resources by 2035 while boosting economic development growth. The new Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, part of a blueprint to...

The Morning Star | 13 years 5 months ago

The government's announcement that it is postponing the sale of 15 per cent of the Forestry Commission estate, in order to review the site-by-site criteria for disposal is a first victory in the massive grass-roots anti-privatisation campaign. We have a country-wide wave of anger swelling...

BBC | 13 years 5 months ago

Future climate change could change the profile of tropical forests, with possible consequences for carbon storage and biodiversity, a study says. It suggests that if current trends continued, the drier conditions would favour deciduous, canopy species at the expense of other trees. US...

IPS News | 13 years 5 months ago

FAO's State of the World’s Forests report says the average rate of loss of forest cover in Central America, which is made up of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala City, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, was 1.19 percent a year between 2000 and 2010, compared to a global rate of just 0.13...

DEFRA | 13 years 5 months ago

The consultation on the future management of the Public Forest Estate has been halted and all forestry clauses in the Public Bodies Bill will be removed, Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman confirmed today. Mrs Spelman also announced that an independent panel of experts will examine...

Paperindex Times | 13 years 5 months ago

St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb 14, 2011 - In 2010, Ilim Group invested USD 19 million to purchase advanced harvesting and auxiliary equipment for the Company’s Forestry Branch in Koryazhma. The amount of investments is more than 10 times greater than in 2009.

DEFRA | 13 years 5 months ago

The Government has today committed £100 million to international forestry projects which provide specific benefits for biodiversity. The money comes from the new international climate finance included in the Comprehensive Spending Review, which will include new money for the UK’s contribution to...

Business Green | 13 years 5 months ago

Clearing a backlog of credits and convincing small countries they can benefit from the UN's carbon offsetting scheme will be amongst the top priority as the Clean Development Mechanism's (CDM) executive board gathers in Bonn, Germany this week to discuss the future of the scheme. The meeting...

ECO-Business | 13 years 5 months ago

The US$1 billion forest conservation deal was signed in May 2010. According to the agreement, Indonesia will implement a two year suspension on all new concessions for conversion of peat and natural forest. According to the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Indonesia...


by Dr. Radut