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News Talk Business | 12 years 4 months ago

A warning of mass deforestation, now that the Government is walking away from the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Change Minister Tim Groser says as of next year New Zealand will align climate change efforts with countries that are collectively responsible for 85 percent of global emissions. Kyoto Forestry...

Greenwood Management | 12 years 4 months ago

Canada has seen a massive surge in demand for exports of its forestry products, particularly in the Far East. The boost in trade with the Far East comes as welcome news in light of the massive decline in demand for lumber from the US. Indeed, British Columbia's forestry-related exports to the US...

12 years 4 months ago

he Malaysian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE) with co-funding from The United Nations Development Programme, launched a project this month to develop sustainable mechanisms to finance REDD+ in Malaysia. The goal of the project is to facilitate private and public sector...

International ForestIndustries | 12 years 4 months ago

New Zealand log exports have remained consistent this year, now recording a 7th consecutive month above 1million m³ in August. Year to date figures show a 3% increase in exports compared to the year to August 2011 on the back of a strong month in June. Since June exports have fallen to be similar...

REDD-Net | 12 years 4 months ago

This paper reviews the state of play on safeguard regulations of a range of international institutions, the status of national policy frameworks in East Africa tosupport a safeguard implementation and insights into making safeguards work from a practitioner level in East Africa.

12 years 4 months ago

The price of forest carbon credits doubled in 2011, leading to a record market value of $237 million as more country programs embraced mechanisms that use carbon finance to plant or replenish endangered forests, according to the latest "State of Forest Carbon Markets" report, which aggregates data...

Phys.org | 12 years 4 months ago

Experts are urging policy makers to preserve mangroves and their essential services to nature and humanity alike, saying their replacement with shrimp farms and other forms of development is a bad economic tradeoff both short and long-term.

UNEP | 12 years 4 months ago

In 2009 the Governments of Guyana and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Concept Note pledging that the countries will “work together to provide the world with a relevant, replicable model for how REDD+ can align the development objectives of forest countries with the world’s...

Greenwood Management | 12 years 4 months ago

Research has shown that domestic demand for timber in Brazil is on the rise, along with costs. The Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ) paper showed that in US dollar terms, pine sawlog prices in Brazil fell by 22 per cent over the course of a year. However, when prices were assessed in the local...

International ForestIndustries | 12 years 4 months ago

Pellet exports from the two primary pellet-producing regions on the North American continent, the U.S. South and British Columbia, have continued to grow, reaching a new record high of 760,000 tons in the 2Q/12, according to data from the pellet industry and customs statistics compiled by the North...

Transparency International | 12 years 4 months ago

This manual helps interested parties to understand and address corruption risks associated with forest carbon accounting – particularly REDD+ – programmes and strategies at the national level.

Forest Trends | 12 years 4 months ago

The report, which aggregates data from 415 individual forest carbon projects historically, was published Thursday by Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace, a world-leading provider of news, data and analytics on environmental markets and investments in conservation. The report examines a variety of...

4-Traders | 12 years 4 months ago

Amazonas Florestal, Ltd. (OTCPK: AZFL), a diversified forest management company generating profit through innovative, sustainable forest management, today released a letter from President & CEO Michael Ibar to its shareholders: OUR MISSION Amazonas Florestal is positioned to be an industry...

ICIMod | 12 years 4 months ago

The ICIMOD office in Pakistan and the World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan organized two district-level workshops to consult with communities and other related stakeholders as a part of the ongoing REDD+ project, which is currently in the preparedness phase in Pakistan.   

International ForestIndustries | 12 years 4 months ago

Log costs for Russian sawmills did not fall as the Russian government intended when it implemented a 25 percent log export tariff in 2008. Instead, sawlog prices have increased by 24 percent over the past three years and the supply of logs has been tight in 2012, as reported by the Wood Resource...

Engineering News | 12 years 4 months ago

A US initiative to document forestry land rights is expected to promote sustainable agroforestry, environmental protection and the rural livelihoods of the upper Guinean tropical forest. Information group Thomson Reuters and the US Forestry Service (USFS) have teamed up to provide resources to...

Before Its News | 12 years 4 months ago

A world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050 is going to create ever-greater demand for food and fuel, putting ever-growing pressure on forests. Our conventional way of looking at forests as a resource heavily favors the short-term strictly monetary gains associated with clearing forests...

TD-Waterhouse | 12 years 4 months ago

SAO PAULO, Oct 30 (Reuters Point Carbon) - Peru's government has requested technical and financial support from the World Bank to support its plans to study the adoption of a greenhouse gas emissions trading system, according to official documents. The South-American country requested support from...


by Dr. Radut