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The Economist | 11 years 11 months ago

FREE lunches, economists insist, are rare. In one sense—related to the opportunity cost of sitting down to eat when you could be doing something more productive—they are right. In another, though, complimentary feasts are rather common. As are free clean water, fuel, air-conditioning, pest control...

Forest Talk | 11 years 11 months ago

Quebec‘s new 2012-2017 Forest Sector Transformation Strategy was unveiled Monday by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF). The Strategy aims to adapt and strengthen the province’s forest sector by diversification, innovation, and adaptation.  The Strategy recognizes that...

Forest Talk | 11 years 11 months ago

Montreal riot police have been sent 5 hours north of Montreal to the area where the Algonquin First Nation of Barriere Lake are protesting Resolute Forest Products‘ logging activity. For the past 2 weeks, members of the Algonquin First Nations of Barriere Lake have been camping out along the...

International Forest Industries | 11 years 11 months ago

A new report from the Forestry Commission states that Scotland potentially has significantly more softwood resource than was thought. Drawn from National Forest Inventory (NFI) data, the forecast of potential softwood availability suggests that over the coming 25 years, an average 7million m3 of...

Forest Talk | 11 years 11 months ago

British Columbia is now protecting an additional 14,750 hectares of old growth forest on the Sunshine Coast. These old growth management areas were established under the Land Act, following public consultation and discussions with First Nations, forestry companies and local stakeholders. The new...

11 years 11 months ago

The effects of deforestation on the Earth are massive. Land is routinely cleared and degraded for agriculture and the production of wood and paper products. National Geographic calls this plight a “forest Holocaust,” reporting that more than 80 percent of the planet’s natural forests have been lost...

Forestry-Invest | 11 years 11 months ago

The world’s largest timber investment management organisation (TIMO), Hancock Timber Resources Group, and Molpus Woodland Group, have bought a 1.88 million acre plantation from Oregon’s Forest Capital Partners. Hancock, which is based in Boston, has purchased some 1.35 million acres of timberland,...

OPIC | 11 years 11 months ago

The first political risk insurance contract for a Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) project, provided by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to Terra Global Capital for a project in Cambodia, has been awarded the Sustainable Forestry Transaction of the Year...

11 years 11 months ago

Many policymakers argue that property rights decrease deforestation. Some theoretical papers also make this prediction, arguing that property rights decrease discount rates applied to a long-term investment in forestry. However, the effect is theoretically ambiguous. The paper takes a novel...

ForestTalk | 11 years 12 months ago

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that the salvage logging (Kalamitätsnutzung) of the beetle-killed pine forests in British Columbia is being blamed for moose populations in the interior crashing by up to 70%. To salvage log the dead pine, harvesters had no limits imposed on the size of the clearcuts...

PaperIndex Times | 11 years 12 months ago

Muttenz, Switzerland, Jul 20, 2012 - Clariant, the Swiss specialty chemicals company, today inaugurated Germany's biggest pilot plant for the production of climate-friendly cellulose ethanol from agricultural waste. Located in Straubing, Bavaria and supported by the Bavarian government and the...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 1 week ago

Benefit sharing is central to achieving the objectives of REDD+. For REDD+, benefit sharing covers how carbon revenues are to be assigned and shared among all stakeholders involved in meeting REDD+ goals. In practice, benefits need to be shared prior to receiving carbon revenues.

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 1 week ago

The sustainability of REDD+ initiatives will depend heavily on whether there is an adequate determination of local as well as national beneficiaries. REDD+ offers a unique opportunity for new benefit streams for local communities.

Live Mint | 12 years 1 week ago

Mumbai: Sustainable forestry-focused private equity (PE) firm, Global Environment Fund (GEF), has raised a Rs. 700 crore, small and medium enterprises (SME)-focused South Asia fund dedicated to India—the first niche fund of its kind in the country.

Directions Magazine | 12 years 1 week ago

UK satellite imaging company DMCii has successfully led a multi-disciplinary consortium to win a place on the Department for International Development (DfID) Forest Governance Markets and Climate (FGMC) Framework Agreement. This means they will be able to bid for projects to monitor forest...

Environmental Leader | 12 years 1 week ago

Asia Pulp & Paper has pledged that by 2020 all of its suppliers will be certified under the voluntary Indonesian sustainable forest management scheme.

CIFOR | 12 years 1 week ago

If a scheme to pay developing countries to reduce carbon emissions by slowing deforestation is to have legitimacy, land tenure needs not just to be clarified – but to be clarified in a way that respects the rights of local communities, according to experts from the Centre for International Forestry...

Mongabay | 12 years 1 week ago

Small farmers are less likely than large landowners to maintain required forest cover on their property in the Brazilian Amazon, worsening the environmental impact of their operations, reported a researcher presenting at the annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 1 week ago

This study analyses similarities and differences in conditions and factors relevant for the implementation of REDD+ activities in a group of 26 Latin American, African and Asian countries.


by Dr. Radut