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Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 3 weeks ago

It is estimated that the human footprint has affected 83% of the global terrestrial land surface and has degraded about 60% of the ecosystems services in the past 50 years alone. Land use and land cover (LUCC) change has been the most visible indicator of the human footprint and the most important...

Vietnam Net | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The Na Hang special-use forest, the land of many kinds of rare and precious trees which are hundreds of years old, have been in serious danger. A local resident said that people and local authorities have been powerless amid the deforestation. Illegal lumberjacks would be ready to “punish” those...

TRUST | 12 years 3 weeks ago

(REUTERS) -- Environmental advocates readied for battle in Congress this week over what they maintain is an erosion of protections for the biggest, oldest trees in Alaska's Tongass National Forest, often called the crown jewel of the U.S. forest system. A vast swath of woodland that stretches along...

Business Green | 12 years 3 weeks ago

It has been impossible to avoid the glut of criticism from green NGOs and politicians left deeply disappointed by the lack of ambition on display at the Rio +20 Earth summit last week. However, business leaders maintain that that while the so-called "Future We Want" is unlikely to deliver sweeping...

FAO | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The world's forests have a major role to play in the transition to a new, greener economy, a theme being discussed at the Rio+20 Conference.  But to spark that shift, governments must enact programs and policies aimed at both unlocking the potential of forests and ensuring that they are sustainably...

ProFor | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The United Nations Forum on Forests partnered with a multimedia firm to produce a compelling story line about forests that goes beyond simple conservation. Combing through 10,000 photographs and dozens of hours of footage (much of it drawn from last year's International Forest Film Festival), they...

IPS News | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The world’s countries have committed themselves so far to restoring just 18 million hectares of forests by 2020, barely 12 percent of the goal of 150 million hectares agreed by the Bonn Challenge in 2011. The announcement was made on Monday, Jun. 18 at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable...

CIFOR | 12 years 3 weeks ago

Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation schemes, or REDD+, could be the “game changer” that enables forest-rich countries to meet sustainable development goals and work toward a greener economy, said the Norwegian Minster for Environment at a recent CIFOR event. REDD+ allows us to...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 3 weeks ago

A survey was carried out to improve the understanding of current investment patterns in forestry by investors and of the framework in which such investments are made. It also aimed to reveal barriers and opportunities to investments in forestry assets in developing countries; to identify key issues...

NewsWire CA | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The World Resources Institute (WRI) today announced the launch of the Forest Legality Risk Information Tool, an open-access global information website designed to assist purchasers of forest products in securing fiber from legal sources. The risk tool, a project of the Forest Legality Alliance, was...

Forest Carbon Asia | 12 years 3 weeks ago

The REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards (REDD+ SES) launched its public consultation on revised draft ‘REDD+ SES Social and Environmental Standards Version 2′ from 22nd June until 21st July 2012. Drawing on emerging experience from countries using REDD+ SES, the standards have been revised...

Allianz | 12 years 3 weeks ago

Up to now a forest’s value has been measured mainly in terms of the price of its wood, but the United Nations is currently turning this premise on its head by placing a price on the forest’s capacity to absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

CIFOR | 12 years 3 weeks ago

When policymakers and national planners set out to enhance local “quality of life,” they often base their decisions on a variant of the United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI), a basket of indicators, ranging from income to life expectancy.

Washington Post | 12 years 3 weeks ago

Huge amounts of carbon trapped in the soils of U.S. forests will be released into the air as the planet heats up, contributing to a “vicious cycle” that could accelerate climate change, a new study concluded.

ABC Net | 12 years 3 weeks ago

With deforestation responsible for around 18 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, it seemed, on the surface, to be an easy, cheap way to get some quick wins on the climate change board. REDD+ — Reduction in Emissions from Deforestation or forest Degradation (the '+' representing additional...

Indigenous 4 Mother Earth | 12 years 3 weeks ago

After more than 500 years of resistance, we, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, peasant farmers, fisherfolk and civil society are not fooled by the so-called Green Economy and REDD+ because we know colonialism when we see it.

The Star | 12 years 3 weeks ago

Manoel Jose Leite, a small-scale organic farmer, is set to pioneer low-carbon agriculture in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, which for decades has been destroyed by expanding agribusiness. Finding the right balance between agriculture and environmental protection will be one of the major challenges on...

CIFOR | 12 years 4 weeks ago

A scheme for reducing global carbon emissions by slowing deforestation in tropical countries has changed drastically and become “aid-ified” since it was first floated in 2005, according to a major new publication on the subject. From its early days, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest...

ForestTalk | 12 years 4 weeks ago

The Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada (PPWC) union has come out against British Columbia’s proposal to open up protected areas to logging. “It’s just short term gain for probably long term pain,” said Arnold Bercov, the forest resource officer for the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada,...

CIFOR | 12 years 4 weeks ago

Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices June, 2012. Angelsen, A.; Brockhaus, M.; Sunderlin, W.D.; Verchot, L.V. (eds). Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. 426 pages. ISBN: 978-602-8693-80-6


by Dr. Radut