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CIFOR | 12 years 9 months ago

Sustainable development in Ecuador should consider climate-change mitigation measures and capacity building of local communities in addition to a green economy, the Ecuador deputy environment minister told CIFOR. “A green economy is not an alternative to sustainable development and has not yet...

Reuters | 12 years 9 months ago

(Reuters) - EU nations have yet to come up with a plan on how to fill a multi-billion euro fund to help tackle climate change, even as the region's executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the brunt of extreme weather. The European Union recommitted to providing 7.2 billion euros (5...

Science Daily | 12 years 9 months ago

Harvesting tropical forests for timber may not be the arch-enemy of conservation that it was once assumed to be, according to a new study led by a University of Florida researcher. Selective logging may be one of the few feasible options left for conserving tropical forests given the huge financial...

ORF | 12 years 9 months ago

Im Jänner hat der Vorstand der Weltbank einer neuen Darlehensstrategie zugestimmt - dem Program for Results (PforR). Im Rahmen dieses Programms wird die Auszahlung von Darlehen an messbare Ergebnisse geknüpft. Mehrere NGOs warnen vor katastrophalen Folgen für Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz.

REUTERS | 12 years 9 months ago

(reuters) Uganda has threatened to kick out Oxfam after the British charity accused the government of complicity in violent land grabs for commercial gains, according to the interior ministry. The ministry has told Oxfam and the Uganda Land Alliance, they will lose their operating licenses if they...

TRUST | 12 years 9 months ago

Declining stocks of forests, farmland, fish and other natural resources threaten to derail economic growth around the world and curb progress against poverty, the World Bank warned on Wednesday. To prevent this, countries need to move toward more resource-efficient “green growth”, said Rachel Kyte...

Nigeria Observer | 12 years 9 months ago

Mr. John Auta, the Acting Director, Forestry Department, Federal Ministry of Environment, has said that tree planting was the primary solution to climate change. Auta, who made this known in an interview with the newsmen in Abuja said tree planting was the major strategy to addressing climate...

12 years 9 months ago

Corruption and other factors can influence deforestation in contradictory ways. For the purpose of country-level implementation of REDD+, donors should focus particularly on three corruption risk areas: land grabbing and tenure rights, fraud in monitoring, evaluation and reporting, and elite...

Biomass Magazine | 12 years 9 months ago

FuturaGene, a genetic research and development firm focused on enhancing the eucalyptus tree, has been granted approval to begin a fourth field trial of its genetically modified eucalyptus tree in Brazil.   The Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio) granted the company...

LA Times | 12 years 9 months ago

Ronald Reagan once justified logging with "a tree is a tree; how many more do you need to look at?" Besides, he warned, "trees cause more pollution than automobiles." We cringed at his biases. Yet due to forces none foresaw, Reagan's gaffes may now ring true.

Foresttalk | 12 years 9 months ago

Recently, the most common question ForestTalk is asked is, “Whatever happened to that Boreal Forest Agreement?”, and “Have you heard anything about that Boreal Forest Agreement lately?”

Rights and Ressource | 12 years 9 months ago

While the Norwegian government has been widely commended for its efforts to protect the world’s rainforests through REDD++, the report discloses lesser known facts about the same government’s massive investments in industries that drive forest destruction in developing countries.

IOP Science | 12 years 9 months ago

Estimating emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests in many developing countries is so uncertain that the effects of changes in forest management could remain within error ranges (i.e. undetectable) for several years. Meanwhile UNFCCC Parties need consistent time series of meaningful...

EDF | 12 years 9 months ago

As the first country to implement a national level emissions trading system (ETS) that also includes a forestry component as part of its climate change strategy and meets New Zealand’s obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, NZ’s experience in developing this system warrants close attention. In...

New Scientist | 12 years 9 months ago

Hands off our forest! The UN has adopted a series of voluntary guidelines to protect indigenous peoples' rights to the land on which they live. And not before time, as a recent report suggests hundreds of millions could be evicted by modern-day land grabs.

Foest Carbon Asia | 12 years 9 months ago

The cultivation of cash crops in the understorey of tropical forests is an ancient practice, but the effects of cultivation on forest ecosystem processes are poorly understood. Authors assessed the effects of planting the high-value spice crop cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) on forest structure,...

Foresttalk | 12 years 9 months ago

British Columbia’s Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson applauded today’s decision of the Legislative Assembly to form a Special Committee on Timber Supply to examine and make recommendations about mid-term timber supply in British Columbia, as a result of the...


by Dr. Radut