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OpenPR | 12 years 3 months ago

A recent report in the Financial Times has provided a boost for the forestry investment industry, as it outlines how timber demand could increase by 55 per cent by 2050, according to FRA. Bainbridge Island, WA, March 29, 2012 - A recent report in the Financial Times has provided a boost for the...

Eureka Alert | 12 years 3 months ago

With its 1.7 billion square kilometres, an area equivalent to 5 times the size of Germany, the Congo Basin forest is the world's second largest tropical forest. The 'State of the Congo Basin Forests 2010' report launched in Douala, Cameroon, at the Annual meeting of the Congo Basin Forest...

IPP Media | 12 years 3 months ago

This week Gerald Kitabu interviewed HAKIARDHI Senior Programme Officer Cuthbert Tomitho on public awareness and benefits accrued from the National Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). Excerpts:

Liberian Observer | 12 years 3 months ago

According to the Liberia Social Audit Report of 2011, more than 1,084,912 hectares of forestland have been allocated by the Liberian government to logging operations as indicated by available statics. In addition to areas allocated to logging operations, other concessions allocated to...

Market Watch | 12 years 3 months ago

Funds managed by New Forests have taken a controlling interest in the 46,000 hectare Auspine estate. New Forests' Australia New Zealand Forest Fund is the lead investor in the transaction, which includes the land and trees of the 64-property estate, formerly owned and managed by Gunns Limited. The...

ABC Net | 12 years 3 months ago

CSIRO Honorary fellow and retired chief scientist, Dr Sadanandan Nambier, told over 200 delegates at the full day conference titled 'Precision Forestry in Action' that the challenge now was learning how to forest in a sustainable way to match the global exponential wood demand. "You have to...

Trust | 12 years 3 months ago

The government of Cameroon has intensified a crackdown on illegal loggers in a measure aimed at conserving the country’s forest resources and combating the effects of climate change. Philip Ngole Ngwese, the country’s minister of forestry and wildlife, recently announced the suspension of licenses...

AllAfrica | 12 years 3 months ago

After months of rumours, it's official: Danzer has sold its industrial logging operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Effective February 23rd, its subsidiary Siforco (which holds logging rights to around 2,1 million hectares of forest) was ceded to American-owned Groupe Blattner...

Fiji Times Online | 12 years 3 months ago

THINK of your future generations. Members of the media were told to spare a thought for the future of their children and implement programs that would safeguard their natural resources. The consultant for the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) policy, Dr Sean...

CIFOR | 12 years 3 months ago

A new CIFOR project in the Congo Basin is hoping to bolster scientific evidence that proves sustainable timber production in forests logged by private companies and local communities could increase carbon stocks needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

Sudan Vision Daily | 12 years 3 months ago

UNEP-Sudan and Forests National Corporation (FNC) with partnership with the British Council conducted a one day validation workshop on “Sudan Reducing Mission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) strategy” on 7th March 2012, at FNC-Sahel Hall in Khartoum.

Prof. Fred Brunnell | 12 years 3 months ago

Minister Bell Parliament Buildings Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 Dear Minister Bell, There are many reasons why what the Globe and Mail terms “panic in the government” should not descend into head-over-heels panic. Logging long-protected forest areas will certainly appear as panic and a government that...

Trust | 12 years 3 months ago

Tackling climate change through sustainable forest management is being promoted as a way forward to fight greenhouse gases. Good management of forests practices can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. It also can help strengthen food security, reduce poverty, and achieve...

Philstar | 12 years 3 months ago

Many of us are wondering: what is the latest on the total log ban? All the stakeholders involved here have been quiet, and the newspapers can’t get enough of the current impeachment proceedings. Now with more than 20 hearings, the public is fed with little morsels of new information on this...

Government of Ghana | 12 years 3 months ago

The Japanese government is providing 7.8 million dollars to finance a special training programme on Geographical Information System and forestry inventory-taking under Ghana’s forest preservation programme.

China News Service | 12 years 3 months ago

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) has embarked on a program to build capacity in mapping land/forest cover in Fiji using very high resolution satellite images, according to SPC Regional Community Forester Jalesi Mateboto on Thursday. The program has three phases consisting of both...

Silicon Republic | 12 years 3 months ago

Celestial Green Ventures, a Dublin-based sustainable forestry development company, is preparing to create 30 new jobs, as a result of the global growth in green investments. Ireland's Green IFSC initiative has welcomed the news. Celestial Green Ventures develops REDD+ forestry projects from which...

NewsWire CA | 12 years 3 months ago

TORONTO, April 5, 2012 /CNW/ - Sino-Forest Corporation ("Sino-Forest" or the "Company") (TSX:TRE) announced today that the Continued Listings Committee of the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") has determined to delist the Company's common shares effective at the close of market on May 9, 2012.

NC Guyana | 12 years 3 months ago

A Technical team from Ghana visiting Guyana met with Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud to learn more about its Chainsaw Milling Project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Forestry Training Centre Inc., with oversight by the Guyana’s Forestry...

ForestTalk | 12 years 3 months ago

There is a new joint council, called the Haida Gwaii Management Council, that has been established between the Haida and the British Columbia government to govern the forest management of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands). The new council’s first decision has been to...


by Dr. Radut