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The Ecologist | 13 years 10 months ago

Oil giant's investment in Indonesian REDD conservation project is a crude attempt to increase profit and gloss over its expanding oil drilling operations, say campaigners Indigenous Peoples and environmental groups have accused oil giant Shell of funding a forest protection scheme...

Google News | 13 years 10 months ago

GENEVA — Forty-six countries gained a clearer view on Friday of what it may take to secure a deal worth hundreds of billions of dollars in climate aid, an issue that threatens hopes for a treaty on global warming. A two-day informal meeting of the biggest players in the world climate haggle...

Forest Carbon Portal | 13 years 10 months ago

Specialists from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) reported that Latin America accounts for "65 percent of the net loss of forests in the world", which continues despite isolated cases of success. Representatives from CIFOR, various NGOs, the Swiss Government and the...

McClatchy | 13 years 10 months ago

WASHINGTON — A new study using laser pulses shot from satellites has found that the world's tallest forests are those along the Pacific Northwest coast. Though the findings shouldn't shock anyone who grew up in the region, they offer another indication of how important these ancient trees...

Asian Sentinel | 13 years 10 months ago

Called the Draft Framework for Engagement in the Palm Oil Sector, the 48-page document by the IFC seeks to provide the rationale for the bank group’s operations in fighting poverty without compromising economic, environmental or social sustainability. The final draft was presented to a World...

Eureka Alert | 13 years 10 months ago

Palo Alto, CA—By integrating satellite mapping, airborne-laser technology, and ground-based plot surveys, scientists from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, with colleagues from the World Wildlife Fund and in coordination with the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment (...

Guyana Chronicle | 13 years 10 months ago

THE international acclaim which Guyana has been receiving, particularly through its efforts to promote forest protection and biodiversity, continues to attract widespread attention. The country’s intact forest and revolutionary Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) have attracted the...

Cabon Positive | 13 years 10 months ago

The rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has fallen by almost half over the past year, according to government data. The figures are only preliminary and need to be confirmed with satellite data, but indications are that the estimate of a 47.5 per cent decline in lost forest area in...

13 years 10 months ago

The World Bank, PROFOR and FAO are organizing an international symposium on indicators to assess and monitor the quality of forest governance. The symposium will take stock of progress to date in designing indicators and applying them in the field, including the use of indicators for specific...

Guyana Chronicle | 13 years 10 months ago

A delegation sent to conduct a real time evaluation of the Norwegian Global Initiative on Climate Change and Forestry in Guyana is impressed with the mass acceptance of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). The team, led by Pete Hardcastel, a forester and consultant, met...

Environmental Investigation Agency | 13 years 10 months ago

London, 27 August 2010: The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) commends Norway’s divestment of its pension fund’s shares in Malaysian loggers Samling Global this week, but calls for a more comprehensive review of the fund's wider investments of over $400 million in other controversial...

Eureka Alert | 13 years 10 months ago

Oaxaca, Mexico (3 September 2010)—With governments across Latin America preparing to implement a new financial mechanism aimed at mitigating climate change by curbing carbon emissions from the destruction of tropical forests, experts gathering here today warned against a "one-size-fits-all"...

CIFOR | 13 years 10 months ago

The success of any major endeavor depends to a large degree on leadership, and REDD+ is no exception. Showing remarkable leadership by example, Mexico is helping create the conditions for REDD+ success through its increased financial commitment to the forestry sector, giving high priority to...

Forest for Climate | 13 years 10 months ago

Norway's Climate and Forests Initiative, which has set aside billions of dollars for efforts to reduce deforestation, should work with the country's Ministry of Finance to divest the Government Pension Fund from companies that destroy forests, says the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an...

Science of America | 13 years 10 months ago

CAMBRIDGE, Md. -- Evidence is mounting that climate change is transforming Alaska's boreal forest, an expert said yesterday. "A biome shift is now occurring," University of Alaska, Fairbanks, forest ecologist Glenn Juday said. "You don't have to wait for the effects. They're happening." The...

CIFOR | 13 years 10 months ago

Urgent Action Needed On Climate-Forestry Research   Forestry scientists need to think big, act fast and communicate better if their work is to have an impact on global climate change negotiations, CIFOR Director General Frances Seymour said in a keynote address at an international forestry...

Maine Insights | 13 years 10 months ago

In June loggers from across the Northeast were recognized at the Blaine House, the residence for the standing governor, for their outstanding business and sustainable harvesting practices. “The Northeast Master Loggers Certification Board certified eleven new Master Logger companies,” said Beth...

HAZMAT Magazine | 13 years 10 months ago

Forest certification standards from 12 nations have called on the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to end its discrimination against wood and accept all credible sustainable forest certification standards. The certification programs pointed out that wood is one of the best environmental choices...

AGROMAIL | 13 years 10 months ago

March 28, Hezhou Gui Sunda Plate Co., Ltd. produce 100,000 cubic meters of plywood project goes into operation. Same day, the annual output of 200,000 cubic meters particleboard project started. Hezhou leader said: “These two forestry production and processing projects started, marking the Hezhou...

RISI | 13 years 10 months ago

London, Aug. 16, 2010 (RISI) - I recently took part in a web meeting on the future of the financial industry's interest in forestry. It was surprising how sophisticated banks, insurance companies and analysts are becoming in evaluating forestry investments.


by Dr. Radut