Less than six months before the global climate summit in Copenhagen, this summer is giving us another taste of climate change. The extended heat wave reminded us that we're on the edge of a dangerous threshold unless we reduce carbon emissions quickly. The tree-planting carbon offset proposed by B....
All global forest info at your mousecklick...
On June 24 in Washington DC, the governing body of the multilateral Forest Investment Program (FIP) gathered for its fourth meeting and made a series of decisions, advancing the FIP to its next critical stage of implementation.
The Center for Climate Strategies has issued a report laying out in detail the cost/benefit analysis underpinning 23 policy options and their expected net cost per ton of greenhouse gases removed. Like the three climate bills that would have reduced the deficit by about $20 billion by 2020, these...
A new bridge has come to symbolise Brazil's most challenging and urgent issue: balancing the demands of economic development with environmental protection
“We need to continuously, strongly and publicly argue that carbon sequestration is only one of many ecosystem services that forests can provide”. “Climate change has focused our attention on the need for urgent and decisive action if we are to avoid the Earth passing a point of no return beyond...
A decade of cuts has left a priceless resource facing a homemade crisis... There is an old saying that if the forest service is not planting trees, then it is not doing its job. When reforestation was the law in British Columbia, the forest ministry reported in its 2000-01 annual report that the...
The world’s forests play a unique and complex role in the global carbon budget, as emissions from land use change—particularly deforestation— represent around 12–15% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, yet forests also act as an essential carbon sink through storage and sequestration (van der...
FOR decades, some university endowments, pension funds and other big investors have put part of their money to work in the woods. They’ve bought large tracts of timberland, viewing them as an asset class separate from stocks, bonds and other forms of real estate.
A recent ad campaign aimed at gaining Midwestern senators support for US climate change legislation has backfired in Brazil. The ad by the National Farmers Union and Avoided Deforestation Partners, an alliance of major environmental organizations and utilities, advocates for farm state senators to...
I chose an article from The Japan Times again, which was published back on 24 January 2010. The article may be located here (or here).
The combination of a gutted Forest Service, vast areas of not sufficiently restocked forestlands, a quirky loophole in the Kyoto Protocol and a provincial government ideologically driven to sell off public assets has created the perfect opportunity for forest industrialists to burn down the last...
Turning income into capital without taxation in this world is like trying to spin straw into gold, impossible unless you know Rumpelstiltskin. Well as it turns out he and I are on quite friendly terms and it was he who introduced me to forestry investments. Most governments are eager to support any...
WASHINGTON, July 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In a letter steered by Congressmen Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to the U.S. Green Building Council, 79 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing 35 different states, have urged the organization to "accept all credible...
Trucks loaded with undressed timber are on the move again around Buchanan in Grand Bassa county, south-east Liberia. The dust recalls the not-so-distant time when the timber trade was synonymous with war. Liberia's rainforests are being primed as a lucrative and legal industry. Electronic tags...
Businesses can and should take a key role in stemming biodiversity loss around the world, a report concludes. The latest report from The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Teeb) project argues that many sectors have a stake in protecting nature. A survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)...
Forestry officials have warned this week that all development projects need to take environmental protection into account, to ensure the sustainable growth of the national economy. Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Forestry Department, Dr Silavanh Sawathvong, said...
Nestling on the North Jiangsu Plain, with a population of 1 million inhabitants, Siyang County is an ideal showcase of the integrated capacity of poplar forests to restore marginal flood plains, stabilizing the banks of the Yellow, Huai and Yangtze rivers and, directly and indirectly benefiting...
Researchers have questioned 2009 findings by the Forest Survey of India (FSI) that found that India's forests were, unlike many tropical Asian nations', on the rebound. According to the FSI, Indian forests had grown by almost five percent from the 1990s. Yet, were these finding too good to be...
The Indonesian Forest Concessionaires Association said on Friday that the possible inclusion of production forest areas in the planned two-year logging moratorium could threaten local industries by drastically reducing timber supply. Last month President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed an...
In discussions with newcomers considering investments in timberland or the publicly traded timber REITs, I frequently find that there is substantial misunderstandings about what a TIMO is and what the TIMO role is in the investment community. This backgrounder is intended to answer those...