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Engineering News | 11 years 10 months ago

A US initiative to document forestry land rights is expected to promote sustainable agroforestry, environmental protection and the rural livelihoods of the upper Guinean tropical forest. Information group Thomson Reuters and the US Forestry Service (USFS) have teamed up to provide resources to...

REDD-Net | 11 years 10 months ago

This paper reviews the state of play on safeguard regulations of a range of international institutions, the status of national policy frameworks in East Africa tosupport a safeguard implementation and insights into making safeguards work from a practitioner level in East Africa.

11 years 10 months ago

he Malaysian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE) with co-funding from The United Nations Development Programme, launched a project this month to develop sustainable mechanisms to finance REDD+ in Malaysia. The goal of the project is to facilitate private and public sector...

Transparency International | 11 years 10 months ago

This manual helps interested parties to understand and address corruption risks associated with forest carbon accounting – particularly REDD+ – programmes and strategies at the national level.

UNEP | 11 years 10 months ago

In 2009 the Governments of Guyana and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Concept Note pledging that the countries will “work together to provide the world with a relevant, replicable model for how REDD+ can align the development objectives of forest countries with the world’s...

ECO-Business | 11 years 10 months ago

Keeping coastal mangrove forests intact or replanting them is cheaper than building man-man structure to protect coastlines threatened by climate change, according to the head of the International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN).

International Forest Industries | 11 years 10 months ago

Log costs for Russian sawmills did not fall as the Russian government intended when it implemented a 25 percent log export tariff in 2008. Instead, sawlog prices have increased by 24 percent the past three years and the supply of logs has been tight in 2012, according to a new report by the Wood...

Reuters | 11 years 10 months ago

About a dozen companies are contributing to a novel conservation plan that pays Ecuador to protect part of the Amazon rainforest in return for barring oil drilling, the head of the initiative said on Friday. Ivonne Baki said the scheme to conserve the Yasuni area of the Amazon basin, launched by...

ForestTalk | 11 years 11 months ago

With the release of ‘Beyond the Beetle: A Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan’, we have outlined a clear strategy to help our forests recover from the damage done by the mountain pine beetle infestation. Unfortunately the release of the action plan has led to the spread of misinformation and it’s...

ReddNetBlog | 11 years 11 months ago

As a primarily local issue, adaptation has more direct relevance to local people than the mitigation potential of REDD+, and in the absence of long term monetary benefits from REDD+, could emphasising the tangible contributions to local environmental conditions and wider governance reforms of REDD...

CIFOR | 11 years 11 months ago

BOGOR, Indonesia (16 October, 2012)_Making informed decisions on how to reduce carbon emissions from forestry and agriculture requires some solid knowledge about potential tradeoffs between development and conservation objectives: what you manage to win through  avoided deforestation or reduced...

Times Colonist | 11 years 11 months ago

Re: "Manage forests for the future," Oct. 17. The editorial is spot-on in many respects. What it omits is that presentations to the Special Committee on Timber Supply did not support the unsustainable logging of old-growth reserve forests, of sensitive areas and of marginally economic forests at...

APF-Net | 11 years 11 months ago

Since the launch of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) over a decade ago, concerted efforts have been made around the world to improve the contribution of different economic sectors to poverty eradication. In the Asia-Pacific region, the forestry sector is of great importance in this respect...

Times Colonist | 11 years 11 months ago

Re: "Manage forests for the future," Oct. 17. The editorial correctly observes that B.C.'s public forests must be managed for the future. The Menominee native Americans in Wisconsin are an excellent example of people doing this. In 1854, they were confined to their current reservation of 235,000...

Business-Biodiversity; Down to Earth | 11 years 11 months ago

UNEP-WCMC and UNEP FI have issued a new publication on voluntary and compliance regimes in relation to biodiversity offsets.

Times Colonist | 11 years 11 months ago

As it looks for ways to shore up the province's timber industry, the B.C. government is in danger of not seeing the forest for the trees. The harvesting of pine beetle-damaged logs is winding down, and now lumber mills in the Interior face a shortage of logs. The government, as it should, is...

IPP Media | 11 years 11 months ago

Tanzania, which once prided in being among the greenest countries on the continent faces major threats of looming desertification brought about by major acts of deforestation. Apparently, despite its reported massive gas reserves, Tanzania still relies heavily on charcoal as a major source of fuel...

Forest Peoples | 11 years 11 months ago

I remember when the park guards first came to our village. They called a meeting and said ‘get your things together and pack your bags, don’t make any new farms and we will see where you can be resettled’.  


by Dr. Radut